- [!!!][Task] Added compatibility for version 7.6.0 - 8.99.99 of TYPO3 CMS
- [!!!][Task] Refactored namespace from "Phoenix" to "FireLizard"
- [Task] Made composer ready
- [Feature] Extended subscription to type 'data' and 'events'.
- [Feature] Trigger notification of subscribers on submitted form and clicked pins.
- [Bugfix] Catched 500-error if class defined by "filterProviderClass" (flexform) was not found.
- [Improvement] map instance is now accessible by DOM element set as canvas
- [!!!] Breaking Changes: Since the provider of maptiles now wants an API-Key the map has no images.
- [Hotfix] Changed provider of maptiles
- [Improvement] Also notify subscribers on first data request
- [Bugfix] Fixed JavaScript error when latitude and longitude were empty
- Use of editable Storage PID
- Use of DataType/QueryClassname instead of XCLass
- Split Providerinterface into interfaces for filter specific data and payload data
- Subscription for additional data access per JavaScript
- Some refactorings
- Bugfix: Check uid before getting flexform from database.
- Set default filterobject to null to avoid server error.
- Status-Code 404 if settings not available on showAction
- Load animation on ajax request
- Don't require filterquery
- Reformat code
- Don't use an icon if not provided
- Check if certain properties exists in coords response
- Disable cache for AJAX-calls
- Add pin icon support provided by a data provider.
- Add filter provided by a data provider.
- Bounds markers on leaflet map.
- Show one map provided by leaflet.
- Show markers with popups by a dataProvider.
- pre-alpha state