Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | string | Unique identifier of the collection | [optional] |
title | \Flat\APIClient\Model\CollectionTitle | [optional] | |
htmlUrl | string | The url where the collection can be viewed in a web browser | [optional] |
type | \Flat\APIClient\Model\CollectionType | [optional] | |
privacy | \Flat\APIClient\Model\CollectionPrivacy | [optional] | |
sharingKey | string | The private sharing key of the collection (available when the `privacy` mode is set to `privateLink`) | [optional] |
app | string | If this directory is dedicated to an app, the unique idenfier of this app | [optional] |
user | \Flat\APIClient\Model\UserPublicSummary | [optional] | |
rights | \Flat\APIClient\Model\ResourceRights | [optional] | |
collaborators | \Flat\APIClient\Model\ResourceCollaborator[] | The list of the collaborators of the collection | [optional] |
capabilities | \Flat\APIClient\Model\CollectionCapabilities | [optional] |