A classroom
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | str | The unique identifier of the class | |
state | ClassState | [optional] | |
name | str | The name of the class | [optional] |
section | str | The section of the class | [optional] |
description | str | An optionnal description for this class | [optional] |
organization | str | The unique identifier of the Organization owning this class | [optional] |
owner | str | The unique identifier of the User owning this class | [optional] |
creation_date | datetime | The date when the class was create | [optional] |
enrollment_code | str | [Teachers only] The enrollment code that can be used by the students to join the class | [optional] |
theme | str | The theme identifier using in Flat User Interface | [optional] |
assignments_count | float | The number of assignments created in the class | [optional] |
students_group | GroupDetails | [optional] | |
teachers_group | GroupDetails | [optional] | |
issues | ClassDetailsIssues | [optional] | |
google_classroom | ClassDetailsGoogleClassroom | [optional] | |
google_drive | ClassDetailsGoogleDrive | [optional] | |
microsoft_graph | ClassDetailsMicrosoftGraph | [optional] | |
lti | ClassDetailsLti | [optional] | |
canvas | ClassDetailsCanvas | [optional] | |
mfc | ClassDetailsMfc | [optional] | |
clever | ClassDetailsClever | [optional] | |
level | ClassGradeLevel | [optional] | |
skills_focused | List[str] | Specific skills that will be focused in classroom | [optional] |
size | float | Number of students in the classroom | [optional] |
from flat_api.models.class_details import ClassDetails
# TODO update the JSON string below
json = "{}"
# create an instance of ClassDetails from a JSON string
class_details_instance = ClassDetails.from_json(json)
# print the JSON string representation of the object
print ClassDetails.to_json()
# convert the object into a dict
class_details_dict = class_details_instance.to_dict()
# create an instance of ClassDetails from a dict
class_details_form_dict = class_details.from_dict(class_details_dict)