- GuiCommand: Name:Part Sphere MenuLocation:Part → Primitives → Sphere Workbenches:Part SeeAlso:Part Primitives
Creates a simple parametric sphere, with position, angle1, angle2, angle3 and radius parameters.
- Switch to the Part Workbench
- There are several ways to invoke the command:
Result: The sphere will be positioned at origin (point 0,0,0) on creation. The angle parameters permit to make a portion of sphere instead of a full sphere (they are set to 360° by default).
The properties of the object can be edited, either in the Property editor or by double-clicking the object in the Tree view.
**Radius:**Radius of the sphere
**Angle 1:**1nd angle to cut / define the sphere
**Angle 2:**2nd angle to cut / define the sphere
**Angle 3:**3rd angle to cut / define the sphere
Because it is quite difficult to explain the meaning of the parameters angle 1, angle 2, angle 3, the picture below gives an explanation about these parameters with following values: angle 1 = -45°, angle 2 = 45° and angle 3= 90°.
documentation index > Part > Part Sphere