- GuiCommand: Name:Drawing SpreadsheetView Workbenches:[[Drawing Workbench Drawing]]|MenuLocation:Drawing → Spreadsheet View---
This tool allows you to place a view of a selected spreadsheet on a drawing sheet.
- Select a spreadsheet you wish to put on a drawing sheet
- Press the [[Drawing SpreadsheetView]] button
Cell Start: The top left cell of the cells range to be included in this view
Cell End: The bottom right cell of the cells range to be included in this view
Font: The name of the font used for texts
Color: The color of lines and texts that have no color specified in the spreadsheet
Font Size: The font size of texts
Line Width: The width of the cell borders
{{docnav|Symbol|Save sheet|Drawing Workbench|IconL=Drawing_Symbol.png|IconC=Workbench_Drawing.svg|IconR=Drawing_Save.png}}
{{Drawing Tools navi}}
documentation index > Drawing > Drawing SpreadsheetView