{{Macro |Name=Macro Extract Wires from Mesh |Icon=Macro_Extract_Wires_from_Mesh.png |Description=Finds boundary wires in selected mesh objects. Boundary wires are formed from all the edges found in the mesh that are shared by only one face, that is, they are "border" edges. The found wires get added to the document (one compound per mesh object), while the mesh itself gets hidden. |Author=Yorik |Version=1 |Date=2016-12-17 |FCVersion=All |Download=[https://www.freecadweb.org/wiki/images/2/28/Macro_Extract_Wires_from_Mesh.png ToolBar Icon] }}
Finds boundary wires in selected mesh objects. Boundary wires are formed from all the edges found in the mesh that are shared by only one face, that is, they are "border" edges. The found wires get added to the document (one compound per mesh object), while the mesh itself gets hidden.
{{MacroCode|code= #!/usr/bin/python
The selected meshes will be hidden but still selected after the operation.
import FreeCAD,FreeCADGui,Part,Draft,DraftGeomUtils,Mesh for obj in FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection(): if obj.isDerivedFrom("Mesh::Feature"): shape = Part.Shape() shape.makeShapeFromMesh(obj.Mesh.Topology,0.1) edges = [] lut = {} for f in shape.Faces: for e in f.Edges: lut.setdefault(e.hashCode(),[]).append(e) for k,v in lut.items(): if len(v) == 1: edges.extend(v) if edges: wires = DraftGeomUtils.findWires(edges) if wires: Part.show(Part.makeCompound(wires)) obj.ViewObject.hide() }}
documentation index > Macro Extract Wires from Mesh