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- GuiCommand:
Name: Sketcher RemoveAxesAlignment
MenuLocation: Sketch -> Sketcher tools -> Remove axes alignment
Workbenches: Sketcher_Workbench
Shortcut: **Z** **R**
Version: 0.20
This tool removes axes alignments ( Horizontal, Vertical constraints) from the selected elements by trying to preserve the constraint relationship.
- Select geometry with axes alignments, for example a rectangle.
- Press the Remove axes alignment toolbar button.
As result the (horizontal, vertical constraints) will be removed. In the example of a rectangle, it stays a rectangle but becomes rotatable.
*A selected rectangle with horizontal and vertical constraints.* *The rectangle after the usage of Remove Axes Alignment.*{{Sketcher_Tools_navi}}
⏵ documentation index > Sketcher > Sketcher RemoveAxesAlignment