Error in user YAML: (<unknown>): did not find expected alphabetic or numeric character while scanning an alias at line 5 column 14
- GuiCommand:
Name: Std ViewFullscreen
MenuLocation: View -> Document window -> Fullscreen
Workbenches: All
Shortcut: **F11**
SeeAlso: Std_ViewDockUndockFullscreen, Std_MainFullscreen
The Std ViewFullscreen command switches 3D views to and from fullscreen mode. 3D views are automatically undocked for fullscreen mode.
- Activate the correct 3D view.
- There are several ways to invoke the command:
- Multiple 3D views for the same document can be created with the Std ViewCreate command.
- 3D views can also be docked and undocked with the Std ViewDockUndockFullscreen command.
{{Std Base navi}}
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