{{Note|Note|Merge with [[Macro_WorkFeatures]]??}}
Tool utility to create
- Origin (X, Y Z axes, Origin (0,0,0) point and XZ, XY, YZ planes)
- Points (Center of Mass of object(s), mid points, center of circle, ...),
- Axes (from 2 points, Normal of a plane...),
- Planes (from 3 points, from one axis and a point...) and many other useful features to facilitate the creation of your project.
- Author: Rentlau
- Home page: WorkFeature
- Source code on github: WorkFeature
This workbench can be installed from the Addon Manager.
Linux Installation Instructions
Windows Installation Instructions
Mac Installation Instructions
- Workbench Wiki:
- FreeCAD Wiki:
- FreeCAD Forum: http://forum.freecadweb.org/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=9056&start=160
- Tutorials:
- Videos:
- Files:
- Report bugs: Please report bugs at FreeCAD forum
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