- 「围攻」适配 | Templates for new GUI (Siege) (#8510) @Lemon-miaow
- 水晶箭行动活动导航 @ABA2396
- 访问好友开关可关闭 | Visit Friends can be toggled off (#8488) @Constrat
- 调整访问好友的模板图 @ABA2396
- 「围攻」部分透明度高的模板图片无法识别 @ABA2396
- 根据灰度二值化关卡名后再识别 (#7848) @zzyyyl
- 减少了自动资源更新中的项目数量 | reduced items count in Auto Resource Updater @Constrat
- 指定Wpf目标操作系统版本为win10 (#8409) @status102
- 添加截图过长解决提示输出 @ABA2396
- "Retrospection" needed for "Rerun" events @Constrat
- changed Sami theme name to reduce issues @Constrat
- greyy alter ocr in battle @Constrat
- DV navigation @Constrat
- 繁中服「愚人號」復刻活動導航 (#8505) @momomochi987
- YoStarJP roguelike data remove duplicate and fixes (#8521) @Manicsteiner
- YoStarJP Sami rogue templates and tasks (#8486) @Manicsteiner
- YoStarKR update tasks for Sami roguelike (#8495) @HX3N
- update template images (YostarKR) @178619
- add missing resource for YoStarKR @178619
- update YostarKR resources @178619
- YoStarKR Sami roguelike templates and tasks (#8487) @HX3N