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This repository is heavily inspired by Fable.Mocha by the awesome @Zaid-Ajaj.
Inspired by the popular Expecto library for F# and adopts the testList, testCase and testCaseAsync primitives for defining tests.
Fable.Pyxpecto can be used to run tests in Python, JavaScript, TypeScript and .NET! Or use compiler statements to switch between Pyxpecto and keep using Fable.Mocha and Expecto!
Table of Contents
/// Reuse unit tests from Expecto and Fable.Mocha
let tests_basic = testList "Basic" [
testCase "testCase works with numbers" <| fun () ->
Expect.equal (1 + 1) 2 "Should be equal"
testCase "isFalse works" <| fun () ->
Expect.isFalse (1 = 2) "Should be equal"
testCase "areEqual with msg" <| fun _ ->
Expect.equal 2 2 "They are the same"
testCase "isOk works correctly" <| fun _ ->
let actual = Ok true
Expect.isOk actual "Should be Ok"
Pending tests will not be run, but displayed as "skipped".
ptestCase "skipping this one" <| fun _ ->
failwith "Shouldn't be running this test"
ptestCaseAsync "skipping this one async" <|
async {
failwith "Shouldn't be running this test"
If there are any focused tests all other tests will not be run and are displayed as "skipped".
👀 Passing the
command line argument will make the runner fail if focused tests exist. This is used to avoid passing CI chains, when accidently pushing focused tests.Example
py --fail-on-focused-tests
will fail.
let focusedTestsCases =
testList "Focused" [
ftestCase "Focused sync test" <| fun _ ->
Expect.equal (1 + 1) 2 "Should be equal"
ftestCaseAsync "Focused async test" <|
async {
Expect.equal (1 + 1) 2 "Should be equal"
Actually all tests run with this library will be sequential. The function is only added to comply with Expecto syntax.
💬 Help wanted. I currently have a prototype implementation for parallel tests on a branch. But it breaks collecting run-tests in .NET.
Running any py/ts/js/net code from pyxpecto can be customized with flags:
Fable.Pyxtpecto (F#)
Author: Kevin Frey
(python/node/npx ts-node/dotnet run) <path_to_entrypoint> [options]
--fail-on-focused-tests Will exit with ExitCode 4 if run with this argument
and focused tests are found.
--silent Only start and result print. No print for each test.
These can also be given via:
let main argv =
!!Pyxpecto.runTests [|
|] all
From Nuget with:
paket add Fable.Pyxpecto
<PackageReference Include="Fable.Pyxpecto" Version="0.0.0" />
Fable.Pyxpecto does not use any dependencies and tries to support as many fable languages as possible. Check out the multitarget test project to see it fully set up!
open Fable.Pyxpecto
// This is possibly the most magic used to make this work.
// Js and ts cannot use `Async.RunSynchronously`, instead they use `Async.StartAsPromise`.
// Here we need the transpiler not to worry about the output type.
let (!!) (any: 'a) = any
open Fable.Core.JsInterop
let main argv = !!Pyxpecto.runTests [||] all
Then run it using:
- .NET:
dotnet run
- JavaScript:
dotnet fable {rootPath} -o {rootPath}/{js_folder_name}
node {rootPath}/{js_folder_name}/Main.js
- Requirements:
- nodejs installed.
- package.json with
"type": "module"
. - init with
npm init
. - See: package.json.
- TypeScript:
dotnet fable {rootPath} --lang ts -o {rootPath}/{ts_folder_name}
npx ts-node {rootPath}/{ts_folder_name}/Main.ts
- Requirements:
- possible same as JavaScript.
- Require tsconfig file, see: tsconfig.json. (💬 Help wanted)
- Python:
dotnet fable {rootPath} --lang py -o {rootPath}/{py_folder_name}
python {rootPath}/{py_folder_name}/
- Requirements:
- python executable on your PATH, or replace
- python executable on your PATH, or replace
Use the following syntax to automatically switch between Expecto, Fable.Mocha and Pyxpecto:
open Fable.Pyxpecto
open Fable.Mocha
open Expecto
let main argv =
Pyxpecto.runTests [||] all
Mocha.runTests all
Tests.runTestsWithCLIArgs [] [||] all
<!-- .fsproj file-->
<PackageReference Condition="'$(FABLE_COMPILER_JAVASCRIPT)' == 'true'" Include="Fable.Mocha" Version="2.17.0" />
👀 Everything in curly braces are placeholders
- Transpile test project to python
dotnet fable {path/to/tests} --lang py -o {path/to/tests}/py
- Run tests
python {path/to/tests}/{}
- Python
- check with
py --version
(Tested withPython 3.11.1
- check with
- Dotnet SDK
- check with
dotnet --version
(Tested with7.0.306
- check with
- Node
- check with
node --version
(Tested withv18.16.1
- check with
- npm
- check with
node --version
(Tested with9.2.0
- check with
Run all commands in root.
dotnet tool restore
npm install
./build.cmd runtests
Can be specified to run tests for specific environment.
Switch test project
./build.cmd runtestsdotnet
./build.cmd runtestsjs
./build.cmd runtestspy
Multitarget test project
./build.cmd runmtpy
./build.cmd runmtjs
./build.cmd runmtts
./build.cmd runmtnet