Releases: GSA-TTS/FAC
Releases · GSA-TTS/FAC
The one where GitHub was having an outage
Bi-weekly push to prod, despite GitHub's best efforts to thwart us
What's Changed
- Fixed env key mismatch in doc by @sambodeme in #959
- Store federal awards data by @timoballard in #960
- add api schema to postgrest by @LindsayYoung in #961
- Update by @jadudm in #958
- the script will not choke if an upstream record is not found by @LindsayYoung in #962
- Fix typo to add passthrough docs by @LindsayYoung in #963
- Exit Audit Creation by @jperson1 in #953
- add knasim by @knasim in #972
- Federal Awards Upload Page by @jperson1 in #978
- Add asteel to terraform file by @asteel-gsa in #982
- Docs: “re-release” -> “pre-release”. by @tadhg-ohiggins in #986
- Restore BPMN checks by @mogul in #1002
- Update BPMN images for docs/bpmn-typo by @github-actions in #1004
- Docs: fix typo in BPMN diagrams by @tadhg-ohiggins in #1003
- Fix progress indicator in pre-SAC steps by @heymatthenry in #1013
- Fix
migration error by @tadhg-ohiggins in #1018 - Update by @jadudm in #975
- Standardize manifests and utilize a vars file by @asteel-gsa in #1025
- Move path back 1 level to properly find procfile in backend/ by @asteel-gsa in #1028
- Update by @jadudm in #1039
- Remove obsolete manifests by @mogul in #1033
- Add mail template for the GitHub org onboarding step by @mogul in #973
- Upload Page Template by @jperson1 in #1016
- Using Jsonnet for schema by @jadudm in #968
- Adding a script to migrate public PDFs to the public bucket by @LindsayYoung in #991
- Jadudm/schema refactor and extend by @sambodeme in #1044
- Implement DAP by @JeanMarie-TTS in #1059
- Create the "-egress" spaces where the egress proxies will live by @mogul in #1060
- Remove spurious dependency on deployer service by @mogul in #1061
- Revert "Merge pull request #1060 from GSA-TTS/1015-create-egress-spaces" by @mogul in #1062
- Add egress proxy Terraform configuration by @mogul in #1052
- Deploy postgREST and swagger using Terraform by @mogul in #1073
- Remove deployment of postgrest and swagger from the GitHub Action by @mogul in #1076
- 2023-05-03 main -> prod by @danswick in #1078
- Use github.base_ref directly on PRs by @mogul in #1080
- 2023-05-03 main -> prod, attempt 2 by @danswick in #1079
- Add parallel option to django tests by @JeanMarie-TTS in #1074
- Configure New Relic by @mogul in #1077
- Fix bad forwardproxy acl pattern by @mogul in #1084
- Convert auditor_contact, auditee_contact, and creator roles to editor role on backend by @tadhg-ohiggins in #1075
- Ensure DEBUG is always set, with default False by @mogul in #1086
- Configure apps use https_proxy for outbound connections by @mogul in #1081
- Roughing in submission progress page by @timoballard in #1088
- Certification/FSM/role consolidation by @tadhg-ohiggins in #1085
- Remove the need for swagger to use an egress-proxy by @mogul in #1098
- Certification workflow cleanup by @timoballard in #1099
- Restore dropped newrelic-creds UPSI by @mogul in #1100
- add login sandbox to egress allow list by @timoballard in #1104
- Switch to CAPI v3 "rolling" app deployment strategy by @mogul in #1105
- Temporarily disable https proxy by @timoballard in #1106
- Point Swagger at public API by @mogul in #1107
- Get docker images into GH by @JeanMarie-TTS in #1090
- Scan Images. Use matrix. Use dispatch by @JeanMarie-TTS in #1110
- 2023-05-10 main -> prod by @sambodeme in #1108
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.20230426...v1.20230510
The one where TF was refactored
Bi-weekly push to prod
The one where definitely an admin did the thing
What's Changed
- Docs: update deployment steps by @tadhg-ohiggins in #938
- Use tasklists in issue templates by @mogul in #910
- General Information form by @jasnakai in #829
- Try removing docker layer caching by @tadhg-ohiggins in #943
- Adding a postgrest instance and swagger instance to the environments by @LindsayYoung in #903
- Jadudm/improve dev docs by @jadudm in #935
- #854 Added hassandeme.mamasambo to the list of developers by @sambodeme in #942
- Pass DB_URI from GitHub to the app by @LindsayYoung in #946
- Pre-SAC serialization bugfix by @timoballard in #947
- #885 Add daniel.swick to list of team members by @danswick in #948
- Add .local/ to .gitignore by @tadhg-ohiggins in #952
- Ly/deploy apps by @LindsayYoung in #955
- fix vars by @LindsayYoung in #956
- Point updated manifest
s up one more level by @danswick in #957 - 2023-04-05 main -> prod by @danswick in #950
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.20230403...v1.20230412
2023-04-03 deployment check release
Verifying that the GitHub deployment machinery is working.
Fourth deploy lucky
Merge pull request #925 from GSA-TTS/main Generate Terraform plans on PR to `main` or `prod`