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RAIL ROS Package for Stretch RE1

Run navigation with Gmapping

Open a terminal and launch the driver

roslaunch rail_stretch_config rail_stretch_bringup.launch

In a new terminal,run move_base with gmapping

roslaunch rail_stretch_navigation navigation.launch

Control robot using voice input

Open a terminal and launch

roslaunch rail_stretch_config rail_stretch_aruco_nav_demo.launch

Move around using 'i' , 'j', 'l' and ',' keys to detect aruco markers

Call ROS service to to take voice input using

rosservice call /stretch_voice

For example, "Bring the box from tall table to kitchen counter"

"Bring the cube from kitchen counter to tall table"

To change the objects and corresponding Aruco ID, update rail_stretch_manipulation/config/aruco_marker_dict.yaml

To directly command the robot to go from a starting aruco to ending aruco (without voice), open a terminal and run

rosservice call /stretch_mission "from_aruco_name: 'tall table'
object_name: 'cube'
to_aruco_name: 'kitchen counter'"