This project covers both the client and server components for the Video 360 usecase in MEC Kubernetes environment.
The server-side implementation is based on this project. We add submofule of it, please get it on localhost before running the video360 server.
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
There are directories and YAML files for the implementation and K8s deployments:
Server: for the server-side applications, related files are under
.- First, building the Docker image, e.g.
$ docker build -t video360-nginx .
- For K8s deployment, before you run the YAML file,
, remember to change all the directory names and image to fit your environment. - For running by docker, you can refer following command:
Mapping the three directories under
$ docker run -d -v $GARAGE_GB2_PATH:/usr/share/nginx/html/Garage_gb2 -v $MAXOSX_PATH:/usr/share/nginx/html/__MAXOSX -v $JAVASCRIPT_PATH:/usr/share/nginx/html/omaf.js video360-nginx:latest
to NGINX server container.
- First, building the Docker image, e.g.
Clients: Two client simulations by httperf and GoReplay
are for httperf./goreplay
covers the Dockerfile and the gor log for replaying API requests. Currently, we don't support K8s client deployment. After you build the image, run docker container with following example command:$ docker run -it -v $GOR_PATH:/tmp/omaf.gor gor-tool:latest /opt/gor/gor --input-file /tmp/omaf.gor --output-http="$OMAF_SERVER:PORT"