* buffered broadcast xml stream to dramatically increase compilation monitoring speed
* mark warning messages with respective flag for colorized monitoring output
* colored warnings and errors in Windows console
* modify message flags system to allow SYS_WRN | SYS_VRB, SYS_ERR | SYS_NOXML etc combinations
* fix filter structural filtering point entities for q1
* introduce globalWarningStream()
* fix RadiantSelectionSystem::getSelectionAABB() for PlaneSelectables
* orange console warnings
* new robust (working well in camera too) algorithm of indirect faces selection for brushes, patches, doom3 lights, transform tool
* select only plane of planeselectables in camera (since it's not easy to select multiple ones on purpose anyway)
* build system: prevent empty commands execution
* build monitoring: determine if pending stack got monitorable commands, use non monitorable path, if not
* preferences->Build->Dump non Monitored Builds Log (default = no)
* catch degenerate cases in texture vertex lock (ex: verts edit to noncontributing face, then back)
* brush creation in camera; alt = modify height
* entity based structural/detail filters depend on brushtypes="quake" in .game to make detail surfaceflags usable for quake 1
* lower alt+m2 (2d zoom) sensitivity
* support mouse_moved_epsilon system in camera freelook
* preferences->Camera->Strafe Speed slider
* camera strafe: m1 one is disableable by mode 'none'
do not block strafe by pressed shift in up/forward modes
enable forward strafe with only shift pressed in 'both' modes (no ctrl is required)
* remove hack, making freelook move speed fps dependent and harsh move start
* preferences->Camera->Scroll Move Speed slider
* change freelook move speed units to game units; expand range; simplify
* print speed values on change by CameraSpeedDec/CameraSpeedInc commands to console
* preferences->Camera->Time to Max Speed slider (camera key moves acceleration)
* fix backslashes in opened by cmd line map path = fix duplicates in recent maps list
* check move amount (56 pixels) in M2 toggle freelook or keep strafemode condition to allow fast strafe moves
* texbro: show tags frame on M2 release after small or zero move to enable (m2 drag = scroll pan) with tags on
* change GDK_KP_Home, GDK_KP_Page_Down, GDK_KP_End binds to GDK_KP_7, GDK_KP_3, GDK_KP_1: works under Windows at least
* fix mixed up ViewFront and ViewSide commands, NextView menu entry typo
* preferences->Selection->Selector size (pixels)
* turn off 64u deep selection of components in QE tool
* fix qer_alphafunc equal/greater/less/lequal alphatest modes (was always 'gequal')
* clipper tool total rewrite; works in 3d viewport
* fix: update BrushClipPlane rendering on selection change
* clipper points are draggable right after been dropped
* preferences->Clipper->"Reset Flipped State" (on cut done and on manipulator changed), "Reset Points on Split", "2 Points in 2D Views"
* wysiwyg lights selection (was bbox based)
* fix: update BrushClipPlane rendering on undo
* snap Clipper points to brush planes, edges and vertices (in 3d camera)
* Valve220: transform basis in special way with texture lock off