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+description: Learn how to deploy a Nest.js application with Genezio.
+import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
+import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
+# Nest.js
+ Nest.js | Genezio Documentation
+Nest.js is a popular Node.js web application framework that simplifies the development of server-side applications. It provides a robust set of features for building web servers and APIs.
+Get started in no time with the [Nest.js template](https://app.genez.io/auth/signup?redirect=nest-getting-started).
+# Deployment
+Learn how to deploy an existing Nest.js app using Genezio, a serverless deployment platform that simplifies app management and reduces costs.
+## Prerequisites
+### 1. Install genezio
+Use your preferred package manager to install Genezio:
+ ```
+ npm install genezio -g
+ ```
+ ```
+ pnpm add -g genezio
+ ```
+ ```
+ yarn add global genezio
+ ```
+### 2. Ensure you have a Nest.js App
+If you don't have an Nest.js app, you can create one using the following steps:
+ **Create a Hello World Nest.js App**
+ 1. Set up your project
+Run the following command to initialize a new Node.js project in an empty directory:
+npm i -g @nestjs/cli
+nest new project-name
+ 2. Test the Nest.js App
+Run the following command to start the Nest.js app:
+cd project-name
+nest start
+Open a web browser and navigate to [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) to see the app running.
+## Deployment Guide
+## 1. Create configuration file
+First, you need to create the configuration file in the root directory of your Nest.js app, run the following command:
+genezio analyze
+## 2. Deploy your project
+Finally, deploy your project. A browser window will open, and you will be prompted to log in to your Genezio account and authorize the CLI to make the deployment.
+Run the following command in your terminal:
+genezio deploy
+If your application use environment variables, you can deploy them using the following command:
+genezio deploy --env
+You need to deploy your environment variables only once.
+After that, you can deploy your project without the `--env` flag.
+For more information about environment variables, you can check the [official documentation](/docs/project-structure/backend-environment-variables.md).
+## See your app in Genezio Dashboard
+After deploying your application, you can test it to ensure it's running correctly. To verify that your Nest.js app is working, open a web browser and navigate to the URL provided for your deployed function.
+This URL can be found in the deployment output under the `Functions Deployed` section.
+Additionally, you can monitor and manage your app through the [Genezio App Dashboard](https://app.genez.io/dashboard). The dashboard URL, also provided after deployment, allows you to access comprehensive views of your project's status and logs.
+You can find this URL in the deployment output under the `App Dashboard URL` section.
+## Support
+We invite you to join our community on [Discord](https://discord.gg/uc9H5YKjXv) for further information and help.
+**Happy Learning!**
diff --git a/sidebars.js b/sidebars.js
index bbe2fd5..011d9de 100644
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@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ const sidebars = {
+ "frameworks/nestjs",