diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index fd05771..6b86511 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -256,4 +256,7 @@ v1.1.1
* Updated barcode recognition for single read modus in the demultiplexer: when a read can be assigned to multiple samples,
-the read is considered as unvalid (previous was first sample)
\ No newline at end of file
+the read is considered as unvalid (previous was first sample)
+* On request added the enzyme AvaII
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/releases/GBSX_v1.1.3/GBSX_digest_v1.0.pl b/releases/GBSX_v1.1.3/GBSX_digest_v1.0.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3499548
--- /dev/null
+++ b/releases/GBSX_v1.1.3/GBSX_digest_v1.0.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+# This is GBSX v1.0. A toolkit for experimental design and demultiplexing genotyping by sequencing experiments. #
+# #
+# Copyright (C) 2014 KU Leuven #
+# #
+# This file is part of GBSX. #
+# #
+# GBSX is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #
+# (at your option) any later version. #
+# #
+# GBSX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #
+# GNU General Public License for more details. #
+# #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License #
+# along with GBSX. If not, see . #
+use Getopt::Std;
+use Bio::SeqIO;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Bio::PrimarySeq;
+use Bio::DB::Fasta;
+use Bio::Restriction::EnzymeCollection;
+use Bio::Restriction::Analysis;
+use Bio::Restriction::Enzyme;
+my $program_information = "GBSX v1.0";
+my $license = "GBSX v1.0 Copyright (C) 2014 KU Leuven\nThis program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `perl GBSX_digest_v1.0.pl -w'.\nThis is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; type `perl GBSX_digest_v1.0.pl -c' for details.\n";
+my $help_message="\n$license\n####################################################################################\nusage: perl GBSX_digest_v1.0.pl -d \'digest sequence\' -l \'read length\' -f \'file of reference fasta file location(s)\'\n\noptional parameters: \n\t-e \'enzyme name to use\' (default: Enzyme)\n\t-g \'genome name to use in bed file name\' (default: genome)\n\t-n \'minimum size fragments to include\' (default: 100)\n\t-m \'maximum size fragments to use\' (default: 1000)\n\n\t-E \'second enzyme name to use\' (default: Enzyme2)\n\t-D \'digest sequence for a second enzyme\' (default: not declared)\n\t-R \'digest sequence for a third enzyme\' (default: not declared)\n";
+#input parameters
+sub HELP_MESSAGE {die "$help_message\n";}
+sub VERSION_MESSAGE {print "$program_information\n";}
+my %opts = ();
+#die with help message if -h
+if ($opt_h){ die "$help_message\n"; }
+#die with warrenty message if -w
+if ($opt_w){ die "GBSX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\nbut WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\nMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the\nGNU General Public License for more details.\n"; }
+#die with conditions message if -c
+if ($opt_c){ die "GBSX is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify\nit under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\nthe Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or\n(at your option) any later version.\n"; }
+#enzyme name (optional)
+my $enzyme_name = $opt_e || "Enzyme";
+#digest sequence: example "RCATG^Y";
+my $digest_seq = $opt_d || "not_defined"; if ($digest_seq ne "not_defined"){$digest_seq=uc($digest_seq);}
+#genome name to use for bedfile (optional)
+my $bed_genome_name = $opt_g || "genome";
+#define read length: assumes PE, only report back in bed first and last number of bps corresponding to this
+my $read_length = $opt_l || "not_defined";
+#file of reference fasta locations
+my $fasta_file_locations = $opt_f || "not_defined";
+#max/min fragment sizes (optional, otherwise use defaults)
+my $max_size = $opt_m || 1000;
+my $min_size = $opt_n || 100;
+#enzyme2 name (optional, otherwise if second digest just default to Enzyme2)
+my $enzyme2_name = $opt_E || "Enzyme2";
+ #make sure starts Upper case
+ $enzyme2_name = ucfirst($enzyme2_name);
+ #double check this is not the same as Enzyme1
+ if ($enzyme2_name eq $enzyme_name){die "Please use different enzyme names for enzyme 1 and enzyme 2\n"; }
+#digest sequence for a second enzyme: example "RCATG^Y"; (optional, otherwise no second digest)
+my $digest2_seq = $opt_D || "not_defined"; if ($digest2_seq ne "not_defined"){$digest2_seq=uc($digest2_seq);}
+ #double check this is not the same as Enzyme1
+ if ($digest2_seq eq $digest_seq){die "Please use different enzyme cut sequences for enzyme 1 and enzyme 2\n"; }
+#digest sequence for a third enzyme: example "RCATG^Y"; (optional, otherwise no third digest)
+my $digest3_seq = $opt_R || "not_defined";
+ if ($digest3_seq ne "not_defined"){$digest3_seq=uc($digest3_seq);
+ #double check this is not the same as Enzyme1 or Enzyme3
+ if ( ($digest3_seq eq $digest2_seq) || ($digest3_seq eq $digest_seq) ){die "Please use different enzyme cut sequences for enzyme 1, enzyme 2, and enzyme 3\n"; }
+ #we call this Enzyme3, so make sure nothing else uses this name
+ if ( ($enzyme2_name eq "Enzyme3") || ($enzyme_name eq "Enzyme3") ){ die "Enzyme3 is a reseved name, please use a different enzyme name\n"; }
+ }
+#die if required parameters are missing
+if ( ($digest_seq eq "not_defined") || ($read_length eq "not_defined") || ($fasta_file_locations eq "not_defined") ){
+ my $missing=" ";
+ if ($digest_seq eq "not_defined"){$missing = $missing."-d (digest sequence) ";}
+ if ($read_length eq "not_defined"){$missing = $missing."-l (read length) ";}
+ if ($fasta_file_locations eq "not_defined"){$missing = $missing."-f (reference fasta locations) ";}
+ die "missing parameter(s):$missing\n";
+#first basic steps to get ready for the analysis (mostly defining variables)
+#using input information, define outfiles:
+my $outfile; my $main_bed;
+if ($digest2_seq ne "not_defined"){
+ $outfile = $bed_genome_name.".".$enzyme_name.".".$enzyme2_name.".".$read_length."nt.digest_results";
+ $main_bed = $bed_genome_name.".".$enzyme_name.".".$enzyme2_name.".".$read_length."nt.digest.bed";
+ $outfile = $bed_genome_name.".".$enzyme_name.".".$read_length."nt.digest_results";
+ $main_bed = $bed_genome_name.".".$enzyme_name.".".$read_length."nt.digest.bed";
+#get reference fasta files
+my @ref_chr;
+open (ref_files,$fasta_file_locations)||die "could not open file $fasta_file_locations\n";
+ chop;
+ $_=~s/\n//;$_=~s/\r//;
+ if ($_ ne ""){
+ push(@ref_chr,$_);
+ #current script only works with one sequence per file, add a check for this
+ my $grep_results = `grep \"^\>\" $_`;
+ my @grep_array = split(/\n/,$grep_results); my $number_sequences_in_file = @grep_array;
+ if ($number_sequences_in_file > 1){die "please use only one sequence per fasta file, $_ had $number_sequences_in_file sequences\n";}
+ }
+close(ref_files)||die "could not close file $fasta_file_locations\n";
+#define enzyme to use
+my $rest_enzyme = new Bio::Restriction::Enzyme(-enzyme => $enzyme_name, -seq => $digest_seq);
+#optional: define a second enzyme
+my $rest_enzyme2; if ($digest2_seq ne "not_defined"){ $rest_enzyme2 = new Bio::Restriction::Enzyme(-enzyme => $enzyme2_name, -seq => $digest2_seq); }
+#optional: define a third enzyme
+my $rest_enzyme3; if ($digest3_seq ne "not_defined"){ $rest_enzyme3 = new Bio::Restriction::Enzyme(-enzyme => "Enzyme3", -seq => $digest3_seq); }
+#define ouput count variables
+my $total_cuts=0; my $total_fragments=0; my $total_fragments_between_min_and_max = 0;
+my $bin_size=100;#hard coded for now
+my $temp_size=$min_size;
+ until (($temp_size+$bin_size)>$max_size){
+ my $temp_size_plus_bin = $temp_size+$bin_size;
+ my $variable_name = "total_fragments_between_".$temp_size."_and_".$temp_size_plus_bin;
+ $$variable_name=0;
+ $temp_size=$temp_size+$bin_size;
+ }
+my $total_fragments_less_min = 0;
+my %fragments_in_range_per_chr; my %fragments_in_range_per_chr_enzyme1_end; my %fragments_in_range_per_chr_enzyme2_end; my %fragments_in_range_per_chr_enzymeboth_end;
+#define ouput count variables, optional for a second enzyme
+my $total_cuts_enzyme2=0; my $fragments_both_ends_enzyme1 = 0; my $fragments_both_ends_enzyme2 = 0; my $fragments_end_from_each_enzyme = 0;
+#define ouput count variables, optional for a third enzyme
+my $fragments_in_range_contain_third_enzyme = 0;
+#define ouput count variables, distribution of distances
+my $one_kb = 0; my $ten_kb = 0; my $hundred_kb=0; my $one_Mb = 0; my $ten_Mb = 0; my $more_ten_kb=0;
+#per chromosome, perform digest and add to totals
+#open bed file to print to
+open(outbed,">$main_bed")||die "could not open out bedfile $main_bed\n";
+foreach my $chr (@ref_chr){
+ #just get chr name and remove directory structure
+ my @chr_name_parts =split(/\//,$chr);my $number_parts=@chr_name_parts;
+ my $chr_name=@chr_name_parts[$number_parts-1];
+ $chr_name=~s/.fa$//i;$chr_name=~s/.fasta$//i;
+ $fragments_in_range_per_chr{$chr_name}=0;
+ $fragments_in_range_per_chr_enzyme1_end{$chr_name}=0;
+ $fragments_in_range_per_chr_enzyme2_end{$chr_name}=0;
+ $fragments_in_range_per_chr_enzymeboth_end{$chr_name}=0;
+ #get fasta file for this chr
+ my $seqio_object1 = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => $chr, -format => "fasta");
+ my $seq = $seqio_object1->next_seq;
+ my $fastadb = Bio::DB::Fasta->new($chr);
+ #digest
+ my $rest_analysis=Bio::Restriction::Analysis->new(-seq=>$seq, -enzymes=>$rest_enzyme);
+ #just get cut numbers first
+ my $chr_cuts=$rest_analysis->cuts_by_enzyme($enzyme_name);
+ $total_cuts=$total_cuts+$chr_cuts;
+ #optional digest and cut numbers for a second enzyme
+ my $rest_analysis2;my $chr_cuts2;
+ if ($digest2_seq ne "not_defined"){
+ $rest_analysis2=Bio::Restriction::Analysis->new(-seq=>$seq, -enzymes=>$rest_enzyme2);
+ $chr_cuts2=$rest_analysis2->cuts_by_enzyme($enzyme2_name);
+ $total_cuts_enzyme2=$total_cuts_enzyme2+$chr_cuts2;
+ }
+ #get locations of cuts
+ my @locations1 = $rest_analysis->positions($enzyme_name);
+ #cut locations if second enzyme
+ my %hash_locations1; my %hash_locations2;#use position as keys
+ my @locations2;my @all_locations;
+ if ($digest2_seq ne "not_defined"){
+ @locations2=$rest_analysis2->positions($enzyme2_name);
+ @all_locations = (@locations1,@locations2);
+ @all_locations=sort {$a <=> $b} @all_locations;
+ foreach my $position1 (@locations1){ $hash_locations1{$position1}=1; }
+ foreach my $position2 (@locations2){ $hash_locations2{$position2}=1; }
+ }else{
+ @all_locations=@locations1;
+ }
+ #go through all cut locations and check fragment sizes
+ my @chr_with_directories = split(/\//,$chr); $chr_name=pop @chr_with_directories; $chr_name=~s/.fa//;
+ my $previous_location=0; my $previous_fragment_in_range_end=0;
+ #to analyze every fragment, add the end of the chromosome as a position
+ my $chr_end_position = $seq->length;
+ push(@all_locations,$chr_end_position);
+ foreach my $location (@all_locations){
+ $total_fragments++;
+ if ($location<$previous_location){die "error in order, $location < $previous_location";}
+ my $fragment_length = $location-$previous_location;
+ if (($fragment_length<=$max_size)&&($fragment_length>=$min_size)){
+ $total_fragments_between_min_and_max++;
+ $fragments_in_range_per_chr{$chr_name}=$fragments_in_range_per_chr{$chr_name}+1;
+ #for distribution of distance between sequenced fragments
+ if ($previous_fragment_in_range_end!=0){
+ my $distance_this_fragment_to_previous=$previous_location-$previous_fragment_in_range_end;
+ if ( $distance_this_fragment_to_previous<=1000 ){
+ $one_kb++;
+ }elsif( ($distance_this_fragment_to_previous>1000) && ($distance_this_fragment_to_previous<=10000)){
+ $ten_kb++;
+ }elsif( ($distance_this_fragment_to_previous>10000) && ($distance_this_fragment_to_previous<=100000)){
+ $hundred_kb++;
+ }elsif( ($distance_this_fragment_to_previous>100000) && ($distance_this_fragment_to_previous<=1000000)){
+ $one_Mb++;
+ }elsif( ($distance_this_fragment_to_previous>1000000) && ($distance_this_fragment_to_previous<=10000000)){
+ $ten_Mb++;
+ }elsif( ($distance_this_fragment_to_previous>10000000) ){
+ $more_ten_kb++;
+ }else{
+ die "error in distances\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $previous_fragment_in_range_end=$location;
+ #if second enzyme, are ends from one or both enzymes
+ if ($digest2_seq ne "not_defined"){
+ if ( (exists($hash_locations1{$previous_location})) && (exists($hash_locations1{$location})) ){
+ $fragments_both_ends_enzyme1++; #both ends from enzyme1
+ $fragments_in_range_per_chr_enzyme1_end{$chr_name}=$fragments_in_range_per_chr_enzyme1_end{$chr_name}+1;
+ }elsif ( (exists($hash_locations2{$previous_location})) && (exists($hash_locations2{$location})) ){
+ $fragments_both_ends_enzyme2++; #both ends from enzyme2
+ $fragments_in_range_per_chr_enzyme2_end{$chr_name}=$fragments_in_range_per_chr_enzyme2_end{$chr_name}+1;
+ }elsif ( (exists($hash_locations1{$previous_location})) && (exists($hash_locations2{$location})) ){
+ $fragments_end_from_each_enzyme++; #one end from each enzyme
+ $fragments_in_range_per_chr_enzymeboth_end{$chr_name}=$fragments_in_range_per_chr_enzymeboth_end{$chr_name}+1;
+ }elsif ( (exists($hash_locations2{$previous_location})) && (exists($hash_locations1{$location})) ){
+ $fragments_end_from_each_enzyme++; #one end from each enzyme
+ $fragments_in_range_per_chr_enzymeboth_end{$chr_name}=$fragments_in_range_per_chr_enzymeboth_end{$chr_name}+1;
+ }
+ }
+ #counts on bin sizes
+ my $temp_size=$min_size;
+ until (($temp_size+$bin_size)>$max_size){
+ my $temp_size_plus_bin = $temp_size+$bin_size;
+ if ( ($fragment_length>=$temp_size)&&($fragment_length<$temp_size_plus_bin) ){
+ my $variable_name = "total_fragments_between_".$temp_size."_and_".$temp_size_plus_bin;
+ $$variable_name=$$variable_name+1;
+ }
+ $temp_size=$temp_size+$bin_size;
+ }
+ #print to bed the potentially sequenced bases
+ if ($fragment_length <= (2*$read_length)){
+ print outbed "$chr_name\t$previous_location\t$location\n";
+ }else{
+ #print first read
+ $previous_location_plus=$previous_location+$read_length;
+ print outbed "$chr_name\t$previous_location\t$previous_location_plus\n";
+ #print second read
+ $location_minus=$location-$read_length;
+ print outbed "$chr_name\t$location_minus\t$location\n";
+ }
+ #if third enzyme requested, check if there is a digest site in this fragment
+ if ($digest3_seq ne "not_defined"){
+ my $fragment_seq = $fastadb->seq($chr_name, ($previous_location+1) => ($location));
+ my $frag_seq_obj = Bio::Seq->new( -seq => $fragment_seq );
+ my $rest_analysis3=Bio::Restriction::Analysis->new(-seq=>$frag_seq_obj, -enzymes=>$rest_enzyme3);
+ my $frag_cuts3=$rest_analysis3->cuts_by_enzyme("Enzyme3");
+ if ($frag_cuts3>0){ $fragments_in_range_contain_third_enzyme++ }
+ }
+ }elsif ($fragment_length<$min_size){
+ $total_fragments_less_min++;
+ }
+ $previous_location=$location;
+ }
+#close bedfile
+close(outbed)||die "could not open out bedfile $main_bed\n";
+#print to output file general digest info
+open(out,">$outfile")||die "could not open outfile $outfile\n";
+#print input parameters
+print out "input parameters:\n\tenzyme name used: $enzyme_name\n\tenzyme cut sequence: $digest_seq\n";
+if ($digest2_seq ne "not_defined"){ print out "\tsecond enzyme name used: $enzyme2_name\n\tsecond enzyme cut sequence: $digest2_seq\n"; }
+if ($digest3_seq ne "not_defined"){ print out "\tthird enzyme cut sequence: $digest3_seq\n"; }
+print out "\tfor bedfile, genome name used: $bed_genome_name\n\tread length provided: $read_length\nminimum fragment size: $min_size\nmaximum fragment size: $max_size\n\nreference sequence(s) analyzed:\n";
+foreach my $ref_to_print_to_output (@ref_chr){ print out "\t$ref_to_print_to_output\n"; }
+print out "\n";
+#print number of cuts
+print out "total cuts for enzyme ($enzyme_name): $total_cuts\n";
+if ($digest2_seq ne "not_defined"){ print out "total cuts for second enzyme ($enzyme2_name): $total_cuts_enzyme2\n"; }
+#print number of fragments
+print out "\nlooked at $total_fragments fragments in total\n";
+print out "$total_fragments_between_min_and_max fragments <= $max_size nt and >= $min_size nt\n";
+if ($digest3_seq ne "not_defined"){ print out "\t-containing one or more third digest site ($digest3_seq): $fragments_in_range_contain_third_enzyme\n"; }
+if ($digest2_seq ne "not_defined"){
+ print out "\t-with both ends from $enzyme_name: $fragments_both_ends_enzyme1\n";
+ print out "\t-with both ends from $enzyme2_name: $fragments_both_ends_enzyme2\n";
+ print out "\t-with an end from each enzyme: $fragments_end_from_each_enzyme\n";
+ print out "\tfragments in range per reference sequence: (both ends from $enzyme_name / both ends from $enzyme2_name / an end from each enzyme)\n";
+ print out "\tfragments in range per reference sequence:\n";
+#print fragment chromosome distribution
+my @chr_names_for_count_print = keys %fragments_in_range_per_chr;
+foreach my $chr_name_for_count_print (@chr_names_for_count_print){
+ if ($digest2_seq ne "not_defined"){
+ print out "\t\t$chr_name_for_count_print had $fragments_in_range_per_chr{$chr_name_for_count_print} fragments ($fragments_in_range_per_chr_enzyme1_end{$chr_name_for_count_print}/$fragments_in_range_per_chr_enzyme2_end{$chr_name_for_count_print}/$fragments_in_range_per_chr_enzymeboth_end{$chr_name_for_count_print})\n";
+ }else{
+ print out "\t\t$chr_name_for_count_print had $fragments_in_range_per_chr{$chr_name_for_count_print} fragments\n";
+ }
+#print fragment distance distribution
+print out "\tdistances between fragments in range:\n";
+print out "\t\t<=1kb $one_kb fragment pairs\n\t\t1kb-10kb $ten_kb fragment pairs\n\t\t10kb-100kb $hundred_kb fragment pairs\n\t\t100kb-1Mb $one_Mb fragment pairs\n";
+print out "\t\t1Mb-10Mb $ten_Mb fragment pairs\n\t\t>10Mb $more_ten_kb fragment pairs\n";
+#print fragment size distribution
+print out "\tfragments less than $min_size nt: $total_fragments_less_min \n\n";
+my $temp_size=$min_size;
+until (($temp_size+$bin_size)>$max_size){
+ my $temp_size_plus_bin = $temp_size+$bin_size;
+ my $variable_name = "total_fragments_between_".$temp_size."_and_".$temp_size_plus_bin;
+ $temp_size_plus_bin--;
+ print out "\tfragments $temp_size-$temp_size_plus_bin nt: $$variable_name\n";
+ $temp_size=$temp_size+$bin_size;
+print out "\n";
+close(out)||die "could not close outfile $outfile\n";
diff --git a/releases/latest/GBSX_v1.1.2.jar b/releases/GBSX_v1.1.3/GBSX_v1.1.3.jar
similarity index 94%
rename from releases/latest/GBSX_v1.1.2.jar
rename to releases/GBSX_v1.1.3/GBSX_v1.1.3.jar
index 8832a1f..da9212b 100644
Binary files a/releases/latest/GBSX_v1.1.2.jar and b/releases/GBSX_v1.1.3/GBSX_v1.1.3.jar differ
diff --git a/releases/latest/GBSX_v1.1.3.jar b/releases/latest/GBSX_v1.1.3.jar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da9212b
Binary files /dev/null and b/releases/latest/GBSX_v1.1.3.jar differ
diff --git a/src/be/uzleuven/gc/logistics/GBSX/GBSX.java b/src/be/uzleuven/gc/logistics/GBSX/GBSX.java
index ab32097..282d032 100644
--- a/src/be/uzleuven/gc/logistics/GBSX/GBSX.java
+++ b/src/be/uzleuven/gc/logistics/GBSX/GBSX.java
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
public class GBSX {
public static final boolean DEBUG = false;
- public final static String VERSION = "GBSX v1.1.2";
+ public final static String VERSION = "GBSX v1.1.3";
private final static String LICENCE = "GPLv3";
diff --git a/src/be/uzleuven/gc/logistics/GBSX/utils/enzyme/model/EnzymeEnum.java b/src/be/uzleuven/gc/logistics/GBSX/utils/enzyme/model/EnzymeEnum.java
index 3e65b39..809177f 100644
--- a/src/be/uzleuven/gc/logistics/GBSX/utils/enzyme/model/EnzymeEnum.java
+++ b/src/be/uzleuven/gc/logistics/GBSX/utils/enzyme/model/EnzymeEnum.java
@@ -79,6 +79,8 @@ public enum EnzymeEnum implements Enzyme{
NSPI ("NspI", new String[]{"CATGT", "CATGC"}),
+ AVAII ("AvaII", new String[]{"GACC", "GTCC"}),
NAN ("NA", new String[]{""});
private final String name;