Thank you for your interest in NCL. We welcome contributions from everyone. There are many ways to contribute, such as, but not limited to:
- New features
- Bug reports, bug fixes
- Corrections/clarifications to documentation
- NCL scripts (utilities, computational routines, etc.)
- Examples (techniques, novel graphics, etc.)
- Suggestions for new features
- Commentary on the Roadmap
- Contributions to the NCL source code (new features, bug fixes, etc.) should be submitted as pull-requests. We broadly follow the GitFlow work flow.
- Bug reports should be filed as an issue on GitHub.
- Examples, scripts, documentation fixes may be submitted via the [email protected] email group. (Registration is required).
- Suggestions, commentary may be submitted ( to-be-filled-in)
In contributing to NCL, you agree to follow our Code of Conduct.
NCL's license is based on the Apache License, Version 2.0.
- The NCL website is a source for comprehensive documentation and extensive examples.
- Installing NCL from prebuilt binaries or via conda.