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A C++ client library for Selenium Webdriver. You can use this library in any C++ project. Only 4.x and more Selenium Server.


  • Very lightweight framework (When compared with all implementations of api selenium)
  • Chainable commands
  • Value-like objects compatible with STL containers
  • Header-only
  • Lightweight dependencies: - [libcurl]( - [picojson](
  • Can be used with any testing framework
  • Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Mac and Windows
  • Tested on GCC 9.x, Clang 10.x and MSVC Visual Studio 2019



Building from sources

## Cloning repository

`bash git clone --recurse-submodules cd webdriverxx `

## Compilation requirements

### Debian `bash sudo apt-get install cmake g++ make curl ` ### Ubuntu and Ubuntu Touch `bash sudo apt-get install cmake g++ make curl libcurl4-openssl-dev ` ### Arch Linux `bash sudo pacman -Syu cmake g++ make curl ` ### Gentoo `bash sudo emerge -av dev-util/cmake sys-devel/gcc sys-devel/make net-misc/curl `

## Compile on Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD `bash mkdir build && cd build && cmake ../src sudo make `

## Compile on Windows `bash mkdir build cd build cmake ../src # For example, open a solution in Visual Studio `

Installation GeckoDriver and ChromeDriver

## Install GeckoDriver or ChromeDriver on Linux

### GeckoDriver

To work with GeckoDriver, you need any browser built on the Gecko engine.

Firefox (ESR, Nightly), IceCat, Waterfox, Pale Moon, SeaMonkey and etc.

In our examples, we will install official stable Firefox.

#### Debian, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Touch `bash sudo apt-get install geckodriver ` #### Arch Linux `bash sudo pacman -Syu geckodriver ` #### Gentoo `bash USE="geckodriver" sudo emerge -av www-client/firefox `

### ChromeDriver

To work with chromedriver, you need any browser built on the Chromium engine.

Chromium, Google Chrome, Opera, Vivaldi and etc.

In our examples, we will install official stable Google Chrome.

#### Debian, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Touch `bash sudo apt-get install chromium-driver ` #### Arch Linux `bash sudo yay -S --aur aur/chromedriver ` #### Gentoo `bash sudo emerge -av www-client/chromedriver-bin `


## A quick example

### Dependencies

The first thing you need is full runtime environment Java.

You need to download and run selenium-server-standalone.

#### Windows

Download latest OpenJDK and unpack:

Official Selenium server can be seen here:

Set the path enviroment variable to OpenJDK or move to the OpenJDK folder

`bash java -jar /path_to/selenium-server-4.0.0-beta-4.jar standalone `

#### Linux

Download latest OpenJDK from packet manager distributions Linux.

##### Debian, Ubuntu, Ubuntu Touch `bash sudo apt-get install default-jre ` ##### Arch Linux `bash sudo pacman -Syu jre-openjdk jre-openjdk-headless ` ##### Gentoo `bash sudo emerge -av virtual/jre `

Official Selenium server can be seen here:

`bash wget `

or download from AUR [here](

`bash sudo yay -S --aur aur/selenium-server-standalone `

After now you can start.

##### Any Linux distribution

`bash java -jar selenium-server-4.0.0-beta-4.jar standalone `

If Selenium server standalone was downloaded from AUR (Arch Linux), then:

`bash java -jar /usr/share/selenium-server/selenium-server-standalone.jar `

Run Google Test for testing html pages

On Windows:

`bash cd src/vcprojects/ # Open a solution 'webdriverxx.sln' in Visual Studio and compile it `

More info in MSDN: [Build and run a C++ app project](

### Examples

Build CMakeLists in 'examples' folder and run binary.

On Linux:

`bash cd examples/example_start_browsers mkdir build && cd build cmake .. make ./example_start_browsers `

More examples

All examples are in 'examples' folder.

### Use proxy

```cpp WebDriver ie = Start(InternetExplorer().SetProxy(

.SetUsername("user") .SetPassword("12345") .SetNoProxyFor("")



`cpp WebDriver ff = Start(Firefox().SetProxy(DirectConnection())); `

### Navigate browser

```cpp driver

.Navigate("") .Navigate("") .Back() .Forward() .Refresh();


### Find elements

```cpp // Throws exception if no match is found in the document Element menu = driver.FindElement(ById("menu"));

// Returns empty vector if no such elements // The search is performed inside the menu element std::vector<Element> items = menu.FindElements(ByClass("item")); ```

### Send keyboard input

```cpp // Sends text input or a shortcut to the element driver.FindElement(ByTag("input")).SendKeys("Hello, world!");

// Sends text input or a shortcut to the active window driver.SendKeys(Shortcut() << keys::Control << "t"); ```

### Emulate mobile devices (only Chrome) `cpp chrome::MobileEmulation me; me.SetdeviceName(chrome::device::Get("Galaxy Note 3")); WebDriver ff = Start(Chrome().SetMobileEmulation(me)); `

### Execute Javascript

```cpp // Simple script, no parameters driver.Execute("console.log('Hi there!')");

// A script with one parameter driver.Execute("document.title = arguments[0]", JsArgs() << "Cowabunga!");

// A script with more than one parameter driver.Execute("document.title = arguments[0] + '-' + arguments[1]",

JsArgs() << "Beep" << "beep");

// Arrays or containers can also be used as parameters const char* ss[] = { "Yabba", "dabba", "doo" }; driver.Execute("document.title = arguments[0].join(', ')", JsArgs() << ss);

// Even an Element can be passed to a script auto element = driver.FindElement(ByTag("input")); driver.Execute("arguments[0].value = 'That was nuts!'", JsArgs() << element); ```

### Get something from Javascript

```cpp // Scalar types auto title = driver.Eval<std::string>("return document.title") auto number = driver.Eval<int>("return 123"); auto another_number = driver.Eval<double>("return 123.5"); auto flag = driver.Eval<bool>("return true");

// Containers (all std::back_inserter compatible) std::vector<std::string> v = driver.Eval<std::vector<std::string>>(

"return [ 'abc', 'def' ]" );

// Elements! Element document_element = driver.Eval<Element>("return document.documentElement"); ```

### [Wait implicitly]( for asynchronous operations

```cpp driver.SetImplicitTimeoutMs(5000);

// Should poll the DOM for 5 seconds before throwing an exception. auto element = driver.FindElement(ByName("async_element")); ```

### [Wait explicitly]( for asynchronous operations

```cpp #include <webdriverxx/wait.h>

auto find_element = [&]{ return driver.FindElement(ById("async_element")); }; Element element = WaitForValue(find_element); ```

```cpp #include <webdriverxx/wait.h>

auto element_is_selected = [&]{
return driver.FindElement(ById("asynchronously_loaded_element")).IsSelected(); };

WaitUntil(element_is_selected); ```

### Use matchers from [Google Mock]( for waiting

```cpp #define WEBDRIVERXX_ENABLE_GMOCK_MATCHERS #include <webdriverxx/wait_match.h>

driver.Navigate(""); auto url = [&]{ return driver.GetUrl(); }; using namespace ::testing; auto final_url = WaitForMatch(url, HasSubstr("some_magic")); ```

### Testing with real browsers

Prerequisites: - [Selenium Server (4.x and more)](

#### Linux `bash java -jar selenium-server.jar standalone & ./webdriverxx --browser=<firefox|chrome|...> `

#### Windows `bash java -jar selenium-server.jar standalone webdriverxx.exe --browser=<firefox|chrome|...> `

## Advanced topics

### Unicode

The library is designed to be encoding-agnostic. It doesn't make any assumptions about encodings. All strings are transferred as is, without modifications.

The WebDriver protocol is based on UTF-8, so all strings passed to the library/received from the library should be/are encoded using UTF-8.

### Thread safety

  • Webdriver++ objects are not thread safe. It is not safe to use

neither any single object nor different objects obtained from a single WebDriver concurrently without synchronization. On the other side, Webdriver++ objects don't use global variables so it is OK to use different instances of WebDriver in different threads.

  • The CURL library should be explicitly initialized if several WebDrivers are used from

multiple threads. Call curl_global_init(CURL_GLOBAL_ALL); from <curl/curl.h> once per process before using this library.

### Use common capabilities for all browsers

`cpp Capabilities common; common.SetProxy(DirectConnection()); auto ff = Start(Firefox(common)); auto ie = Start(InternetExplorer(common)); auto gc = Start(Chrome(common)); `

### Use required capabilities

`cpp Capabilities required = /* ... */; auto ff = Start(Firefox(), required); `

### Use custom URL for connecting to WebDriver

```cpp const char* url = "http://localhost:4444/wd/hub/";

auto ff = Start(Firefox(), url);

// or auto ff = Start(Firefox(), Capabilities() /* required */, url); ```

### Transfer objects between C++ and Javascript

```cpp namespace custom {

struct Object {
std::string string; int number;


// Conversion functions should be in the same namespace as the object picojson::value CustomToJson(const Object& value) {

return JsonObject()
.Set("string", value.string) .Set("number", value.number);


void CustomFromJson(const picojson::value& value, Object& result) {
assert(<picojson::object>()); result.string = FromJson<std::string>(value.get("string")); result.number = FromJson<int>(value.get("number"));


} // namespace custom

custom::Object o1 = { "abc", 123 }; driver.Execute("var o1 = arguments[0];", JsArgs() << o1); custom::Object o1_copy = driver.Eval<custom::Object>("return o1"); custom::Object o2 = driver.Eval<custom::Object>("return { string: 'abc', number: 123 }"); ```