tags: #memex3 #class
Source: https://shawngraham.github.io/hist1900/assets/slides/mar27#/35 NOTE: I couldnt import using hypothesis so I am just copying over quotes and making comments on it.
This is practically impossible without extreme measure. It is very easy for a child to lie about their age. It would also be an ethical issue to ask a child to provide some sort of ID to prove their age on the internet.
"The Protect Act (PROTECT) which further clarified what material is considered “obscene” and made sure that Section 230 was not being abused to access such materials by minors.”
While the PROTECT act is a real thing, its goal was not to stop minors accessing obscene material, but to penalize people accessing/creating obscene materials of minors. PROTECT Act. This clearly shows that while AI can look stuff up, it is able to misinterpret materials thinking it is something else.
"Section 230 has been a highly contested part of the Communications Decency Act since its inception"
It is very clear that the AI did not write about section 230 based on what it is. I think what happened was the majority of literature about section 230 were articles about how controversial section 230 was so the AI thought that is what the user wanted. This shows that AI are just regurgitating the most popular views on a topic instead of writing original work.