diff --git a/tests/run.sh b/tests/run.sh index 6ee3eb1..8342bc0 100755 --- a/tests/run.sh +++ b/tests/run.sh @@ -4,12 +4,15 @@ set -e ./destroy-aws.sh +echo "::group::Deploying Kubernetes" echo "Terraform Init" terraform init echo "Terraform Plan" terraform plan echo "Terraform Apply" terraform apply -auto-approve +echo "::endgroup::" +echo "::group::Configuring Kubernetes" echo "Authenticate with Kubernetes" aws eks update-kubeconfig --region us-west-2 --name captain-cluster --role-arn arn:aws:iam::761182885829:role/glueops-captain echo "Delete AWS CNI" @@ -18,16 +21,23 @@ echo "Install Calico CNI" helm repo add projectcalico https://docs.tigera.io/calico/charts helm repo update helm install calico projectcalico/tigera-operator --version v3.26.1 --namespace tigera-operator -f calico.yaml --create-namespace +echo "::endgroup::" +echo "::group::Deploying new Node Pool" echo "Deploy node pool" sed -i 's/#//g' main.tf terraform apply -auto-approve echo "Get nodes and pods from kubernetes" kubectl get nodes kubectl get pods -A -o=wide -echo "Start Test Suite" +echo "::endgroup::" +echo "::group::Start Test Suite" +echo "" ./k8s-test.sh echo "Test Suite Complete" +echo "::endgroup::" +echo "::group::Tear down Environment" echo "Terraform Destroy" terraform destroy -auto-approve ./destroy-aws.sh +echo "::endgroup::"