- See also Monitoring costs
- Monitoring solution for storage accounts is called Azure Monitor Storage insights
- Integrates with both Azure Monitor and storage accounts.
- On portal, they can be viewed using: 2
- Inside storage account to see single account
- View from Azure Monitor to see all accounts in a grouped way
- Deployed by default
- It's free of charge, but additional configurations cost 1
- Replaces former Storage Analytics Metrics
- Metrics are visualized with thresholds using workbooks 1
- Workbooks can be pinned in dashboards
- By default it includes already configured workbooks such as "Overview", "Capacity"...
- Metric dimensions:
- Provide detailed information about successful and failed requests to a storage service.
- Type of resource logs
- Enabled in Diagnostic settings
- Includes fields such as
(read, write or delete),operationName
... 1
- Management-plane logs:
- Role assignments
- Regenerating Storage Account keys
- Changing Storage Account settings
- ❗️ Not data plane logs e.g. "new blob added"
- But they're resource logs e.g. "who created new storage account"
- See also: Activity logs | Monitoring
- Legacy monitoring solutions that should not be used for newer systems.
- Replaced by Azure Monitor Storage Insights, and should be migrated there.
- Needs to be enabled manually.
- ❗ Retention period up to 365 days.
- Contains
- Details of read, write, and delete operations
- Reasons for failed requests
- Issues can be found through monitoring or reported by users
- Data consists of
- Write blobs to blocks immediately
- ❗ Can take an hour until available as flush is waited.
- Search +/- 15 minutes and based on log metadata
- ❗ 20 TB limit, independent of Storage Account total limit.
- 🤗 Microsoft Message Analyzer was GUI to analyze logs that was later dropped by Microsoft 1
- Helps to monitor individual requests and to diagnose issues with a storage service.
- ❗️ Best effort logging, completeness and timeliness of are not guaranteed. 1
- All logs are stored in block blobs in a container named
. 1 - Logs include succeeded/failed requests with additional metadata such as
- HTTP status code, start time, end time, log type (write, read etc.)...
- ❗️ Replaced by Azure Storage logs in Azure Monitor 1
- Also known as classic metrics
- ❗️ Retired on August 31, 2023, should transition into Storage Insights 1
- Integrates with Azure monitor
- ❗ Data is stored 30 days.
- Allows setting up alerts.
- Sends
- Capacity metrics
- For both storage accounts and individual storage services
- Sent to Azure monitor every hour
- Values are refreshed daily
- Transaction metrics
- Successful, failed, errors
- Ingress/Egress of data
- Service availability
- Performance metrics
- Server latency, E2E (end-to-end) latency
- Capacity metrics