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Various fixes for theorem-rebind errors
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mn200 committed Oct 11, 2023
1 parent 502a460 commit 7a4ed25
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Showing 7 changed files with 47 additions and 45 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions examples/machine-code/graph/func_decompileLib.sml
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Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ open writerLib cond_cleanLib;
val _ = max_print_depth := ~1;
val _ = set_trace "Unicode" 0;

val new_definition = Feedback.trace ("Theory.allow_rebinds", 1) new_definition

val export_fails = ref ([]:string list)
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16 changes: 10 additions & 6 deletions examples/machine-code/lisp/lisp_proofScript.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,12 +35,16 @@ val x2sexp_def = tDefine "x2sexp" `

val x2sexp = x2sexp_def |> CONJUNCTS |> map SPEC_ALL |> LIST_CONJ

val term2sexp_def = save_thm("func2sexp_def",save_thm("term2sexp_def",let
val term2sexp_deff = Define `term2sexp x = x2sexp (T,x,FunVar "nil")`;
val func2sexp_deff = Define `func2sexp y = x2sexp (F,Var "nil",y)`;
val th = Q.INST [`xx`|->`Var "nil"`,`yy`|->`FunVar "nil"`] x2sexp
val th = REWRITE_RULE [GSYM term2sexp_deff,GSYM func2sexp_deff] th
in th end));
val term2sexp_def = save_thm(
val term2sexp_deff = Define `term2sexp x = x2sexp (T,x,FunVar "nil")`;
val func2sexp_deff = Define `func2sexp y = x2sexp (F,Var "nil",y)`;
val th = Q.INST [`xx`|->`Var "nil"`,`yy`|->`FunVar "nil"`] x2sexp
val th = REWRITE_RULE [GSYM term2sexp_deff,GSYM func2sexp_deff] th
in th end));

val zip_yz_lemma = prove(
``!xs ys zs x (stack:SExp) alist (l:num).
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ val op \\ = op THEN;

fun allowing_rebinds f x = Feedback.trace ("Theory.allow_rebinds", 1) f x

(* definitions *)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ fun new_def def_tm term_tac = let
handle HOL_ERR _ => NONE)
in (def,ind) end

val new_def = allowing_rebinds new_def

(* ML equivalent of term datatype defined in lisp_semanticsTheory *)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -444,6 +446,8 @@ fun pure_extract name term_tac = let
val _ = save_thm("R_ev_" ^ good_name,result)
in def end;

val pure_extract = fn n => fn tac => allowing_rebinds (pure_extract n) tac

fun pure_extract_mutual_rec names term_tac = let
val _ = print "extracting:"
val _ = map (fn name => print (" " ^ name)) names
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -858,6 +862,9 @@ fun impure_extract_aux name term_tac use_short_cut = let
val _ = save_thm("R_ev_" ^ good_name,result)
in def end;

val impure_extract_aux =
fn n => fn tac => fn b => allowing_rebinds (impure_extract_aux n tac) b

fun impure_extract name term_tac =
impure_extract_aux name term_tac false

Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -416,27 +416,25 @@ val rel_gc_def = Define `

(* invariant *)

val (full_heap_rules,full_heap_ind,full_heap_cases) =
`(!b m. full_heap b b m) /\
(!b e m n xs d.
(m b = H_BLOCK (xs,n,d)) /\ EMP_RANGE (b+1,b+n+1) m /\
full_heap (b+n+1) e m ==> full_heap b e m)`;

val full_heap_ind = IndDefLib.derive_strong_induction(full_heap_rules,full_heap_ind);
val _ = save_thm("full_heap_ind",full_heap_ind);

val (part_heap_rules,part_heap_ind,part_heap_cases) =
`(!b m. part_heap b b m 0) /\
(!b e m k.
~(isBLOCK (m b)) /\ part_heap (b+1) e m k ==> part_heap b e m k) /\
(!b e m n xs d k.
(m b = H_BLOCK (xs,n,d)) /\ EMP_RANGE (b+1,b+n+1) m /\
part_heap (b+n+1) e m k ==> part_heap b e m (k+n+1))`;

val part_heap_ind = IndDefLib.derive_strong_induction(part_heap_rules,part_heap_ind);
val _ = save_thm("part_heap_ind",part_heap_ind);
Inductive full_heap:
(!b m. full_heap b b m) /\
(!b e m n xs d.
(m b = H_BLOCK (xs,n,d)) /\ EMP_RANGE (b+1,b+n+1) m /\
full_heap (b+n+1) e m ==> full_heap b e m)

val full_heap_ind = save_thm("full_heap_ind[allow_rebind]",full_heap_strongind);

Inductive part_heap:
(!b m. part_heap b b m 0) /\
(!b e m k.
~(isBLOCK (m b)) /\ part_heap (b+1) e m k ==> part_heap b e m k) /\
(!b e m n xs d k.
(m b = H_BLOCK (xs,n,d)) /\ EMP_RANGE (b+1,b+n+1) m /\
part_heap (b+n+1) e m k ==> part_heap b e m (k+n+1))

val part_heap_ind = save_thm("part_heap_ind[allow_rebind]",part_heap_strongind);

val ref_heap_mem_def = Define `
ref_heap_mem (h,f) m =
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -374,14 +374,6 @@ val (mc_xbp_load_spec,mc_xbp_load_def) = basic_decompile_strings x64_tools "mc_x

val BLAST_LEMMA = prove(``w << 2 !! 1w = w << 2 + 1w:word32``,blastLib.BBLAST_TAC);

val EL_UPDATE_NTH = store_thm("EL_UPDATE_NTH",
``!xs n k x. EL n (UPDATE_NTH k x xs) =
if (k = n) /\ k < LENGTH xs then x else EL n xs``,
Induct \\ Cases_on `k` \\ SIMP_TAC std_ss [LENGTH,UPDATE_NTH_def]
THEN1 (Cases_on `n` \\ FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [EL,HD,TL] \\ FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [ADD1])
\\ Cases_on `n'` \\ FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [EL,HD,TL]
\\ FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [ADD1]);

val UPDATE_NTH_1 = prove(``UPDATE_NTH 1 x (y1::y2::ys) = y1::x::ys``, EVAL_TAC);

val mc_xbp_load_blast = blastLib.BBLAST_PROVE
Expand Down
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Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ open progTheory set_sepTheory helperLib;
open prog_x64Theory prog_x64Lib x64_encodeLib;
open stop_and_copyTheory;

fun allowing_rebinds f x = Feedback.trace ("Theory.allow_rebinds", 1) f x
infix \\
val op \\ = op THEN;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,7 +84,8 @@ val zLISP_INIT_def = Define `
cond (lisp_init (a1,a2,sl,sl1,e,ex,cs) io (df,f,dg,g,dd,d,sp,sa1,sa_len,ds))`;

val zLISP_raw = Define `zLISP = zLISP_ALT (\wsp wi we ds tw2. T)`;
Definition zLISP_raw: zLISP = zLISP_ALT (\wsp wi we ds tw2. T)
val zLISP_def = SIMP_CONV std_ss [zLISP_ALT_def,zLISP_raw]
``zLISP (a1,a2,sl,sl1,e,ex,cs,rbp,ddd,cu) (x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,xs,xs1,io,xbp,qs,code,amnt,ok)``
val _ = save_thm("zLISP_def",zLISP_def);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -644,9 +646,12 @@ fun X64_LISP_EQ_VAL n i = let
val result = prove_spec th imp def pre_tm post_tm
in save_lisp_thm("X64_LISP_EQ_VAL_" ^ int_to_string n ^ "_" ^ int_to_string i,result) end;

val X64_LISP_EQ_VAL = fn n => fn i => allowing_rebinds (X64_LISP_EQ_VAL n) i

val _ = map (X64_LISP_EQ_VAL 1) all_regs;
val _ = map (X64_LISP_EQ_VAL 2) all_regs;
val _ = map (X64_LISP_EQ_VAL 3) all_regs;
(* does 3 0 a second time *)
val _ = map (fn n => X64_LISP_EQ_VAL n 0) [3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15];

(* eq *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -864,7 +869,7 @@ val all_syms = ilist 0 lisp_inv_sym_tests;
val _ = map (X64_LISP_SYM 0) all_regs; (* NIL *)
val _ = map (X64_LISP_SYM 1) all_regs; (* T *)
val _ = map (X64_LISP_SYM 2) all_regs; (* QUOTE *)
val _ = map (fn x => X64_LISP_SYM x 0) all_syms;
val _ = map (fn x => allowing_rebinds (X64_LISP_SYM x) 0) all_syms;

(* error *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3015,8 +3020,8 @@ val X64_LISP_TEST_CF = let

(* prove a few theorems which imply that the bytecode does the right thing *)

val X64_POP0 = SPEC_COMPOSE_RULE [allowing_rebinds X64_LISP_TOP 0,X64_LISP_POP]
val X64_POP1 = SPEC_COMPOSE_RULE [allowing_rebinds X64_LISP_TOP 1,X64_LISP_POP]

val X64_LISP_SWAP1 = let
val ((th,_,_),_) = x64_spec (x64_encode "xchg r8,r9")
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Expand Up @@ -406,12 +406,6 @@ val IO_WRITE_APPEND = store_thm("IO_WRITE_APPEND",
``!io x1 x2. IO_WRITE (IO_WRITE io x1) x2 = IO_WRITE io (x1 ++ x2)``,

val zIO_def = Define `
zIO (iow:word64,ior:word64,iod:word64,ioi:word64) (io:io_streams) = zR 2w 3w`;

val zIO_R_def = Define `
zIO_R (iow,ior,iod) io = SEP_EXISTS ioi. zR 1w ioi * zIO (iow,ior,iod,ioi) io`;

val null_term_str_def = Define `
null_term_str a df f str =
?p. (one_string a (str ++ [CHR 0]) * p) (fun2set (f,df)) /\
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