- A general description of all changes can be found in #57
- remove .qmd (use only .md)
- add version badge,
- remove the logo file (use a link to the website instead)
- remove all deprecated functions (moved to {RUtilpol}) (#58)
- A general description of all changes can be found in #13
- download pollen records one-by-one (#18, #50)
- download Neotoma authors one-by-one (#41)
- {neotoma2} package can be used for site selection but is not set as default due to performance issues (very slow) (#14, #27, #49)
- small fixes regarding switching to the new version of {purrr} (#51)
- save age-depth models as individual files (#21)
: remove "&&" from multiple logical vector (#52)
- During cleaning of taxa names, save
for back trackability to Neotoma taxonomy (#36)
- add progress bar to most
functions (#48)
- move utility to {RUtilpol} package (#16, #17, #28)
- replace
(#35) - Spatial data is handled by {RUtilpol} (#47)
- update
(#19, #55) - add package
(#22) - add project logo (#43)
- add onAttach message with version (#20)
- stop dependency on {devtools} (#26)
- check and clean namespace dependency (#45)
- add NEWS to the REAMDE file (#56)
- release of the package