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Our DAO Data SDK is a library that provides a set of functions for interacting with the DAO data. This includes querying subgraphs, querying our jobs, and other tools.

This library was generated with Nx.


Once this package is published on npm we'll have instructions in how to import and use in your apps. If you're using it from inside the monorepo, you can import directly from the package.

The package name for importing is @daohaus/data. If you're working on another package inside the monorepo, such as a feature or an app, you can reference it via this namespace, such as import { Haus } from '@daohaus/dao-data';


Run nx build dao-data to build the library.


The SDK provides a Haus class that you'll need to import into your component and instantiate it:

// App.tsx

import { Haus } from '@daohaus/dao-data';

const haus = Haus.create();

// if you need to query the mainnet daos you'll need to provide an api key obtained here:

const haus = Haus.create({ graphApiKey: { '0x1': 'someapikey' } });

Once this is imported you can access the SDK methods that are available. For example, to use the functionality related to user profiles, you can use the following:

// App.tsx

const profile = await haus.profile.get(address);

const profileDaoMemberships = await haus.profile.listDaosByMember({
  networkId: ['0x5'],

You'll want to wrap this in a try/catch block to handle any errors that may occur like you would with other asynchronous calls.

Core Features

We'll be adding more documentation and detail to this section, so keep checking back.


The SDK provides a profile method that includes functionality related to profiles. This includes interacting with Lens to get a user's profile. We have a series of fallbacks in place if a user doesn't have a basic profile set. In the future we plan to interact with Ceramic to get a user's profile:

const haus = Haus.create();

const profile = await haus.profile.get('0x0');
// console.log(profile)
// {
//   address: '0x0',
//   ens: 'woodrowwilson.eth',
//   image: 'ifshash',
//   name: 'woody',
//   description: '28th president of the united states of america',
//   emoji: "🦅"
// }

const profileDaoMemberships = await haus.profile.listDaosByMember({
  memberAddress: '0x0',
  networkId: ['0x5'],
// console.log(profileDaoMemberships)
// [{
//   address: '0x0somedaocontractaddress',
//   name: 'potusDAO',
//   ... more dao data
// }]


The SDK provides a query method that can be used for querying the subgraph for DAO related data such as DAO members, proposals, and more.

List queries

const daos = await haus.query.listDaos({
  networkId: '0x5',

const proposals = await haus.query.listProposals({
  networkId: '0x5',
  filter: { dao: '0x0' },

const members = await haus.query.listMembers({
  networkId: '0x5',
  filter: { dao: '0x0' },
  ordering: {
    orderBy: 'shares'
    orderDirection: 'asc'
  pagination: {
    pageSize: 4,
    offset: 0,

Find queries

const dao = await haus.query.findDao({
  networkId: '0x5',
  dao: '0x0',
  includeTokens: true,

const proposal = await query.findProposal({
  networkId: '0x5',
  dao: '0x0',
  proposalId: '3',

const member = await query.findMember({
  networkId: '0x5',
  dao: '0x0',
  memberAddress: '0x123',

Optional Query Parameters


Provide any query the graph supports on fields within the entity you are querying.


  createdAt_gte: '1656693140'

  createdAt_lt: '1656693140',
  totalShares_gt: '10000000000000000000'

The Graph Docs

Subgraph Schema


Provide a field to order by and the order direction (asc or desc).


  orderBy: 'createdAt',
  orderDirection: 'asc'

  totalShares: '1656693140',
  orderDirection: 'desc'


Provide options for pagination. The SDK supports offest and cursor pagination. Offset pagination will return query options for fetching the next page and previous page. Cursor pagination is better for larger data sets, defaults sort to the ID field and provides query options for fetching the next page.

  pageSize: '20',
  offset: '0'

  pageSize: '2000',
  lastId: '0'

## Running Unit Tests

Run `NODE_OPTIONS=--experimental-vm-modules nx run dao-data:test` to execute the unit tests via [Jest](

Be sure to include the `NODE_OPTIONS=--experimental-vm-modules` flag when running the tests or else the tests will throw an error.

## Generating GraphQL Schema and Types

1. When updates are deployed to the Daohaus V3 subgraphs, a new schema should be generated

   run `nx generate-gql-schema dao-data` to create a new `src/subgraph/schema.graphql` file

2. When there is a new schema or new query files are added, new types should be generated

   run `nx generate-gql-types dao-data` to create type files for each query file in `src/subgraph/queries`