This section contains solutions to common problems that may arise during the setup and usage of the plugin.
Use the docker plugin ls command. $ docker plugin ls ID NAME DESCRIPTION ENABLED 8a4231e33dc8 simplivity:1.0 Docker Volume plugin for HPE SimpliVity true
Note the ID column in the output. Use this to glob the directory to the log of the plugin. less /var/lib/docker/plugins/8a4231e33dc8*/rootfs/var/log/hpe-flexvolume-plugin.log
Sometimes it is useful to get more verbose output from the plugin. To enable logging for REST calls made to SimpliVity Container Provider from Volume Plugin, add below flag
LOG_LEVEL=trace in 'docker plugin set <plugin_alias> SCOPE=<local/global> PLUGIN_TYPE=simplivity PROVIDER_IP=<Simplivity_CP_IP> PROVIDER_USERNAME=admin PROVIDER_PASSWORD=admin LOG_LEVEL=trace INSECURE=true PROVIDER_PORT=<Simplivity_CP_PORT>'
Logs of plugin provides useful information on troubleshooting issue/error further. On Ubuntu, grep for the plugin id
in the logs , where the plugin id
can be identified by:
$ docker-runc list
Plugin logs will be available in system logs (e.g. /var/log/syslog
on Ubuntu).
On RHEL and CentOS, issue journalctl -f -u docker.service
to get the plugin logs.
$docker logs -f <container id of Plugin>
Getting container id of plugin: docker ps -a | grep hpe