- minitz
-- Convert dates between any timezone supported by the system.
-- Parses ISO8601 time strings.
-- MIT licensed, use the library any way you want. For real.
-- Minimal (less than 2 KB minified), no dependencies. Relies on JavaScript Intl and current best practices.
-- Works in Node.js >=14.0 (both require and import).
-- Works in Deno >=1.8.
-- Works in Bun >=0.2.2
-- Works in browsers as standalone, UMD or ES-module.
-- Includes TypeScript typings.
-Try it live on jsfiddle
-Converting a Date object to another timezone in JavaScript is possible using the Intl feature of vanilla JS.
-// Get current time in Asia/Tokyo, using vanilla js
-new Date().toLocaleString("sv-SE", { timeZone: "Asia/Tokyo" });
-// -> 2022-09-15 17:23:45
-However - if you want to convert date/time from another timezone, or convert between different timezones, things get trickier.
-Minitz is a minimal library built to solve the problem in the simplest possible way, and made to work in all environments (Node/Deno/Browser, ESM/UMD/CommonJS).
-Simple examples of conversion from a remote timezone, and a conversion between different timezones.
-// Get local time from time in Asia/Tokyo, using minitz and vanilla js
-const localTime = minitz(2022,9,15,23,0,0,"Asia/Tokyo")
-console.log( localTime.toLocaleString("sv-SE") );
-// -> 2022-09-15 16:00:00
-// Get time in America/New_York from time in Asia/Tokyo, using minitz and vanilla js
-// Also demonstrates that it's possible to use ISO8601 strings as input to minitz, through `.fromTZISO`
-const localTime = minitz.fromTZISO("2022-09-15 23:00:00","Asia/Tokyo");
-console.log( localTime.toLocaleString("sv-SE", { timeZone: "America/New_York" }) );
-// -> 2022-09-15 10:00:00
-More examples are available further below, and the full documentation is available at hexagon.github.io/minitz.
-npm install minitz --save
-// ESM Import ...
-import minitz from "minitz";
-// ... or CommonJS Require
-const minitz = require("minitz");
-Note that only default export is available in Node.js TypeScript, as the commonjs module is used internally.
-import minitz from "minitz";
-// ...
-import minitz from "https://deno.land/x/minitz@4.0.4/src/minitz.js";
-// ...
-import { minitz } from "https://deno.land/x/minitz@4.0.4/src/minitz.js";
-// ...
-Check https://deno.land/x/minitz for latest available version
-bun add minitz
-Note If you experience problems during install, try using bun add minitz --backend=copyfile
-import minitz from "minitz";
-- Download the latest zipball
-- Extract
-- Grab
(UMD and standalone) or minitz.min.mjs
(ES-module) from the dist/ folder
-To use as an UMD-module (stand alone, RequireJS etc.)
-<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/minitz/dist/minitz.min.js"></script>
-To use as an ES-module
-<script type="module">
- import minitz from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/minitz/dist/minitz.min.mjs";
- // ... see usage section ...
-More examples
-The examples below will work only if you have imported minitz as described in the 'Installation' section. If that's not the case the results may vary.
-Convert a specific timezone to local time
-Standard way
-// Convert 2022-09-10 23:08:09 in New York to local time (in this example Europe/Stockholm)
-console.log("Local time: ", minitz(2022, 9, 10, 23, 8, 9, "America/New_York").toLocaleString("sv-SE"));
-// Local time: 2022-09-11 05:08:09
-Providing an ISO8601 timestring
-// Convert 2022-09-10 23:08:09 in New York to local time (in this example Europe/Stockholm)
-console.log("Local time: ", minitz("2022-09-10 23:08:99", "America/New_York").toLocaleString("sv-SE"));
-// Local time: 2022-09-11 05:08:09
-Convert local time to a specific timezone
-Provided that you only need to display the result, converting local time to specific timezone is best achieved with vanilla JavaScript.
-console.log("Time in New York printed with system locale: ", new Date().toLocaleString("sv-SE", { timeZone: "America/New_York"}));
-// -> Time in New York printed with system locale: 2022-09-14 17:29:42
-If you need to use the result in any other way, it's better to use minitz to convert to a remote timezone. This way you'll get the results as an object, which also includes the timezone to which the time is converted to.
-// Convert to local time to time in America/New_York
-// As time in other timezones than local cannot be represented correctly by a date object
-// a generic object is returned
-console.log("Time in New York: ", minitz.toTZ(new Date(), "America/New_York"));
-// -> Time in New York:
-// {
-// y: 2022,
-// m: 9,
-// d: 14,
-// h: 17,
-// i: 29,
-// s: 42,
-// tz: 'America/New_York'
-// }
-Any contributions are welcome. See Contribution Guide