diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7d44aed..b18e84a 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,19 +1,23 @@
-# osu-nowplaying
-A small program meant to show in obs the current playing song on osu!lazer.
A small program made to show your current playing osu! song on OBS.
### How to use it:
> Place all files in a folder
+> Join [Lanyard](https://discord.gg/lanyard)'s Discord server
+> Open the game (The game is required for it to work, it will close as soon as the game closes (unless timer* is paused))
+>> `[*] the play button on the top`
-> Create a .txt file called id.txt and place your discord id onto it, then join [this server (required)](https://discord.gg/FRu7Bf5UhK).
-> Open the .exe
->> in case you want to use the .ps1, you'll need to install [powershell 7](https://github.com/Powershell/Powershell/releases/latest) then open powershell in the folder you put the files and do `pwsh -c ". $(Join-Path ((Get-Location).Path) app.ps1)"`
+> Open the `app.exe` and insert your Discord ID onto the input box of the popup and press Confirm.
#### How to get your id:
> Right click > Copy ID
->> ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17398632/196119570-77a23334-0919-478a-ae1b-38b180bb3a11.png)
->> ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/17398632/196119805-5773b536-fe63-4cc7-a038-b2193bba5276.png)
-## *** Notice: sometimes the window may look stuck, if that happens, just close by right-clicking the icon on the taskbar and closing or simply press close then close the window.
+If the window gets stuck, right-click the icon on the taskbar and close it from there.