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Risk Analysis with Pig

GOAL - Create and execute a Pig script that leverages Hive structures via HCatalog to calculate risk factors for drivers

PREREQUISITE - Data Manipulation with Hive

SEE ALSO - This demo is based on the publicly-available Pig Risk Factor Analysis Hortonworks tutorial


Leveraging Hive


Create Tables

The diagram below indicates the steps we have taken in the Hive demo as well as the ones we will be taking in this risk analysis effort demo.

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In the Hive View & logged in as maria_dev, run the follow CTAS from the previously created truck_mileage table and verify it gets loaded properly.

    SELECT driverid, sum(miles) totmiles
      FROM truck_mileage
     GROUP BY driverid;

Ultimately, we want to create a risk factor that is based on the total number of miles driven by each driver divided by the number of abnormal events across the period where the miles have been summarized. We will do that with Pig, but first we need to create a table to stored these calculated values into.

CREATE TABLE risk_factor 
    (driverid string, events bigint,
     totmiles bigint, riskfactor float)

Build Pig Script

Click the New Script button in Pig View to get started and save it as riskfactor.pig without specifing a specific path.

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NOTE: Try to use the Pig helper when building each line of the script.

Load the geolocation Hive table.

geo = LOAD 'geolocation' 
    USING org.apache.hive.hcatalog.pig.HCatLoader();

Filter out any normal events as we are looking for risky events.

riskyEvents = FILTER geo BY event != 'normal';

Project the data to include a count field and to exclude fields that are not relevant for the risk analysis.

thinRiskies = FOREACH riskyEvents GENERATE 
    driverid, event, (int) '1' as occurance; 

Group all risky events for each driver.

driverGroupings = GROUP thinRiskies BY driverid;

Calculate a total number of these events for each driver.

countsByDriver = FOREACH driverGroupings GENERATE 
    group as driverid, SUM(thinRiskies.occurance) as total_occurrences;

Load the driver_mileage Hive table we created earlier in this demo.

mileage = LOAD 'driver_mileage' 
    USING org.apache.hive.hcatalog.pig.HCatLoader();

Join the driver's mileage table with the Pig alias that contains the total number of risky events for the same driver.

joinResult = JOIN countsByDriver BY driverid, mileage BY driverid;

To see what the schema definition looks like for this joined output, run describe joinResult; which will return the following (NOTE: if you run this you will need to add the -useHCatalog property as described later in this demo guide).

    {countsByDriver::driverid: chararray,
     countsByDriver::total_occurrences: long,
     mileage::driverid: chararray,
     mileage::totmiles: long}

Calculate Risk

As declared earlier, our driver risk factor is determined by dividing the total miles traveled by risky events occurrences.

final_data = foreach joinResult generate 
    countsByDriver::driverid as driverid, 
    countsByDriver::total_occurrences as events, 
    mileage::totmiles as totmiles, 
    (float) mileage::totmiles / countsByDriver::total_occurrences as riskfactor;

And now that we projected the final_data Pig alias into the exact schema as our risk_factor Hive table, we can simply use HCatStorer to insert the data into the table.

STORE final_data INTO 'risk_factor' 
    USING org.apache.hive.hcatalog.pig.HCatStorer();

At this point, you should have something similar to the following commented script.

--load the Hive table called geolocation
geo = LOAD 'geolocation' 
    USING org.apache.hive.hcatalog.pig.HCatLoader();

--get rid of non risky behavior
riskyEvents = FILTER geo BY event != 'normal';

--get rid of attributes we don't need and create a counter one
thinRiskies = FOREACH riskyEvents GENERATE 
    driverid, event, (int) '1' as occurance; 

--lump all events uniquely for each driver
driverGroupings = GROUP thinRiskies BY driverid;

-- Total up the events for each driver
countsByDriver = FOREACH driverGroupings GENERATE 
    group as driverid, SUM(thinRiskies.occurance) as total_occurrences;

--load the driver_mileage Hive table
mileage = LOAD 'driver_mileage' 
    USING org.apache.hive.hcatalog.pig.HCatLoader();

--join the calculated driver counts with previously created driver's mileage
joinResult = JOIN countsByDriver BY driverid, mileage BY driverid;

--results from "describe joinResult"
--   joinResult: {countsByDriver::driverid: chararray,
--                countsByDriver::total_occurrences: long,
--                mileage::driverid: chararray,
--                mileage::totmiles: long}

--calculate the risk factor as total miles / # of risky events
final_data = foreach joinResult generate 
    countsByDriver::driverid as driverid, 
    countsByDriver::total_occurrences as events, 
    mileage::totmiles as totmiles, 
    (float) mileage::totmiles / countsByDriver::total_occurrences as riskfactor;

--save the results into the risk_factor Hive table
STORE final_data INTO 'risk_factor' 
    USING org.apache.hive.hcatalog.pig.HCatStorer();


Before you can run the Pig script you will need to configure the Pig Editor to use HCatalog so that the Pig script can load the dependent libraries. In the Pig argument text box in the bottom-right of the screen, enter -useHCatalog and click the Add button.

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After clicking the Add button you should see the following.

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Now, check the Execute on Tez checkbox and click the Execute button in the upper-right corner of the screen. Once the job completes successfully you will not see any output as it is stored in the risk_factor Hive table.

Navigate to the Hive View 2.0 and find the five drivers with the worst calculated risk factors.

  FROM risk_factor
 ORDER BY riskfactor

Also, showcase the Visual Explain and Tez UI tabs that are alongside the Results one.

Visualize Data

Pig does not have any native visualization tools, but you can exercise the Data Reporting with Excel Hortonworks tutorial.

COTS solutions from BI tool vendors are also common ways to visualize these aggregated values for many large enterprises as well as dedicated Hadoop tools like Datameer.