This serverless todo app was configured and deployed to AWS as part of my AWS Cloud Developer Nanodegree from Udacity.
It demonstrates my understanding and ability to configure the following :
AWS Lambda
AWS DynamoDB
AWS API Gateway
Setup Serverless.
Configure Xray.
Configure Serverless plugins.
Configure API authenticator.
Configure IAM roles and permissions.
Configure Serverless environment variables.
Create DynamoDB.
Create Lambda functions.
Create and attach policies.
Create Serverless YAML file.
Serverless framework was used for configuring and deploying all the services.
Create and integrate Lambda functions.
Implement Auth0 JWKS for authentication.
Interact with AWS services using the aws-sdk library.
Implement AWS Xray for logging and monitoring of the application.
React was used for the frontend.
Lambda functions were used for the backend.
DynamoDB was the database service of choice.
Typescript was used as the language of choice.
Serverless Framework was used for configuration and deployment.
The project includes a Postman Collection Json file that can be imported for testing in /testing
| | package-lock.json
| | package.json
| | serverless.yml
| | tsconfig.json
| | webpack.config.js
| |
| \---src
| +---auth
| | Jwt.ts
| | JwtPayload.ts
| | utils.ts
| |
| +---businessLogic
| | todos.ts
| |
| +---dataLayer
| | todosAccess.ts
| |
| +---lambda
| | | utils.ts
| | |
| | +---auth
| | | auth0Authorizer.ts
| | |
| | \---http
| | createTodo.ts
| | deleteTodo.ts
| | generateUploadUrl.ts
| | getTodos.ts
| | updateTodo.ts
| |
| +---models
| | TodoItem.ts
| | TodoUpdate.ts
| |
| +---requests
| | CreateTodoRequest.ts
| | UpdateTodoRequest.ts
| |
| \---utils
| logger.ts
| | package-lock.json
| | package.json
| |
| | tsconfig.json
| |
| +---public
| | favicon.ico
| | index.html
| | manifest.json
| |
| \---src
| | App.css
| | App.tsx
| | config.ts
| | index.css
| | index.tsx
| | logo.svg
| | react-app-env.d.ts
| | routing.tsx
| | serviceWorker.ts
| |
| +---api
| | todos-api.ts
| |
| +---auth
| | Auth.js
| |
| +---components
| | Callback.tsx
| | EditTodo.tsx
| | LogIn.tsx
| | NotFound.tsx
| | Todos.tsx
| |
| +---images
| | Logo.png
| |
| \---types
| CreateTodoRequest.ts
| Todo.ts
| UpdateTodoRequest.ts
| Add attachment.PNG
| API gateway.PNG
| Attachment added.PNG
| CloudFormation.PNG
| CloudWatch.PNG
| Deployment.PNG
| DynamoDB.PNG
| import-collection-1.png
| import-collection-2.png
| import-collection-3.png
| import-collection-4.png
| import-collection-5.png
| Lambda.PNG
| New Todo.PNG
| S3.PNG
| Todo updated.PNG
| XRay.PNG
The serverless file includes all the configuration you need.
But you will have to make the following changes to the following files:
Go to /backend/serverless.yaml
and replace
org: [ORG NAME]
With your organization name in your serverless account
region: ${opt:region, '[REGION]'}
With your desired deployment region ex: us-east-1
ATTACHMENTS_BUCKET: [NAME]-todos-attachments-${self:provider.stage}
With your desired attachment S3 bucket name
With your Auth0 JWKS link
Go to
After deploying the backend
const apiId = 'APP ID'
With the id of your lambda functions after deployment
domain: 'DOMAIN', // Auth0 domain
clientId: 'CLIENT ID', // Auth0 client id
With your Auth0 app domain and client ID
Configure Serverless
serverless login
# Configure serverless to use the AWS credentials to deploy the application
sls config credentials --provider aws --key YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID --secret YOUR_SECRET_KEY --profile serverless
serverless deploy
View the end points to configure the client Deploy
serverless info
After following the configuration steps above
npm start