- Decide how to integrate the QRST concepts into this Recommendations file
- simple Q(ueue)
- R(ank) by Importance versus Easiest
- S(pace) particulare Location productivity
- T(ime) Recognized versus Needed
- try crafting a simpler HTML repo
- try using Branches to construct an effective (pan systems) workflow.
- consider linking to the Trello board(s), but re-test for Privacy first.
- these GitHub wikis are quite effective for initial data capture
- ...
- try uploading a TW5 file to repo ( as a first step )
- try forking an existing TW
- review the most recent documentation findings
- try this with 5.1.18, now that it has been released.
- consider the use of MaarfaPad, if it can be accessed via its URL.
- pursue this with Bob, but not until after MultiUser developments are complete
- consider making this a nodeJs *tid based instance, especially if an external *.tid store evolves
- https://github.com/HwWobbe/HwWobbe.github.io/wiki