Current box: ubuntu/xenial64 (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS)
Install Virtualbox (Also works with other providers.)
git clone
Create your own
folder in the same direcotry ofVagrantlife
, which will be synced to the/vagrant_data
folder duringvagrant up
orvagrant reload
. -
Change the username and email in
. -
cd Vagrantlife && vagrant up
Start the VM. -
vagrant ssh
Connect to the VM terminal and start working. -
vagrant halt
Gracefully shutdown the VM. -
vagrant destroy
Destroys all resources that were created during the machine creation process. -
Port 80 on guest machine can be accessed at
. -
More on Vagrant Doc.
Basic Vim: with plugins AutoClose, vim-closetag, vim-easy-align, indentline, vim-coffee-script, vim-surround, supertab, nerdcommenter, matchtagalways;
npm & Node.js & MongoDB:
sudo service mongo start
to start MongoDB service. -
Lua LuaJIT
GDB debugger