This portfolio was created with 1-2 weeks of knowledge HTML and CSS, it uses flexbox and bootstrap as it's core foundation. I wanted the portfolio to be simple and minimalistic, it was built with the intentions to meet the google material guideline and easy navigation of projects I have done.
My original idea was to create an animation based portfolio inspired by which involves an interactive portfolio. However, as I was building my website I came across a lot of obstacles due to my lack of understanding of javascript. Fortunately this birthed a new challenge to test my creativity skills using the foundations of html and css.
I wanted a design which was simple, intuitive and easy for the eyes. With the consumer's mindset in mind, I needed a portfolio in which people could scroll through my work instantly without reading through content which explains about my whole lifestory. I wanted it to be majority graphic based.
I drew inspirations from sites such as:
- behance
- dribble
- awwward
- google material blogs
The problems I encountered were the following:
- Design Mind Block
- Trouble understanding some aspects of how bootstrap worked
- Lack of Javascript understanding
- Ways to implement ruby into my portfolio
- Understanding of how all the elements worked together with CSS
- Creating an uncluttred interface
- Branding - a cohesive colour scheme
- Making it responsive
Upon reflection, if I were to improve this portfolio I would work on the following:
- Clear design process
- Consider a design which is adaptable for both monitor, tablets and smartphones
The colour palette was mainly teal and orange