diff --git a/LethalLevelLoader/LethalLevelLoader.csproj b/LethalLevelLoader/LethalLevelLoader.csproj
index 33364f7..b05116b 100644
--- a/LethalLevelLoader/LethalLevelLoader.csproj
+++ b/LethalLevelLoader/LethalLevelLoader.csproj
@@ -91,17 +91,17 @@
diff --git a/LethalLevelLoader/Patches/DungeonManager.cs b/LethalLevelLoader/Patches/DungeonManager.cs
index f4ddf6c..e0f6924 100644
--- a/LethalLevelLoader/Patches/DungeonManager.cs
+++ b/LethalLevelLoader/Patches/DungeonManager.cs
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ public static List GetValidExtendedDungeonFlows(E
debugString += "Info For ExtendedLevel: " + extendedLevel.name + " | Planet Name: " + extendedLevel.NumberlessPlanetName + " | Content Tags: ";
foreach (ContentTag tag in extendedLevel.ContentTags)
debugString += tag.contentTagName + ", ";
- debugString = debugString.Remove(debugString.LastIndexOf(", "));
+ debugString = debugString.TrimEnd([',', ' ']);
debugString += " | Route Price: " + extendedLevel.RoutePrice + " | Current Weather: " + extendedLevel.SelectableLevel.currentWeather.ToString();
debugString += "\n";
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ public static List GetValidExtendedDungeonFlows(E
foreach (ExtendedDungeonFlowWithRarity extendedDungeonFlowWithRarity in potentialExtendedDungeonFlowsList)
if (!viableDungeonFlows.Contains(extendedDungeonFlowWithRarity.extendedDungeonFlow))
debugString += extendedDungeonFlowWithRarity.extendedDungeonFlow.DungeonName + ", ";
- debugString = debugString.Remove(debugString.LastIndexOf(", "));
+ debugString = debugString.TrimEnd([',', ' ']);
debugString += "\n";
returnExtendedDungeonFlowsList = returnExtendedDungeonFlowsList.OrderBy(e => e.rarity).Reverse().ToList();
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ public static List GetValidExtendedDungeonFlows(E
debugString += "Viable ExtendedDungeonFlows: ";
foreach (ExtendedDungeonFlowWithRarity extendedDungeonFlowWithRarity in returnExtendedDungeonFlowsList)
debugString += extendedDungeonFlowWithRarity.extendedDungeonFlow.DungeonName + " (" + extendedDungeonFlowWithRarity.rarity + ")" + ", ";
- debugString = debugString.Remove(debugString.LastIndexOf(", "));
+ debugString = debugString.TrimEnd([',', ' ']);
DebugHelper.Log(debugString + "\n", DebugType.User);
diff --git a/LethalLevelLoader/Tools/ConfigHelper.cs b/LethalLevelLoader/Tools/ConfigHelper.cs
index daa8a59..6961784 100644
--- a/LethalLevelLoader/Tools/ConfigHelper.cs
+++ b/LethalLevelLoader/Tools/ConfigHelper.cs
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public static List ConvertToStringWithRarityList(string newInp
rarity = value;
if (clampRarity != Vector2.zero)
- Math.Clamp(rarity, Mathf.RoundToInt(clampRarity.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(clampRarity.y));
+ rarity = Math.Clamp(rarity, Mathf.RoundToInt(clampRarity.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(clampRarity.y));
returnList.Add(new StringWithRarity(levelName, rarity));
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public static List ConvertToVector2WithRarityList(string newI
rarity = value;
if (clampRarity != Vector2.zero)
- Math.Clamp(rarity, Mathf.RoundToInt(clampRarity.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(clampRarity.y));
+ rarity = Math.Clamp(rarity, Mathf.RoundToInt(clampRarity.x), Mathf.RoundToInt(clampRarity.y));
returnList.Add(new Vector2WithRarity(new Vector2(x,y), rarity));
@@ -74,8 +74,9 @@ public static List ConvertToSpawnableEnemyWithRarityLi
List stringList = ConvertToStringWithRarityList(newInputString, clampRarity);
List returnList = new List();
- foreach (EnemyType enemyType in OriginalContent.Enemies.Concat(PatchedContent.Enemies))
+ foreach (ExtendedEnemyType extendedEnemyType in PatchedContent.ExtendedEnemyTypes)
+ EnemyType enemyType = extendedEnemyType.EnemyType;
foreach (StringWithRarity stringString in new List(stringList))
if (enemyType.enemyName.ToLower().Contains(stringString.Name.ToLower()))
@@ -90,8 +91,9 @@ public static List ConvertToSpawnableEnemyWithRarityLi
//Incase the user put in the real name (eg. Bracken) instead of the internal name (Flowerman) we go through the scannode texts which has the more updated name.
- foreach (EnemyType enemyType in OriginalContent.Enemies.Concat(PatchedContent.Enemies))
+ foreach (ExtendedEnemyType extendedEnemyType in PatchedContent.ExtendedEnemyTypes)
+ EnemyType enemyType = extendedEnemyType.EnemyType;
foreach (StringWithRarity stringString in new List(stringList))
if (enemyType.enemyPrefab != null)
@@ -119,8 +121,9 @@ public static List ConvertToSpawnableItemWithRarityList
List stringList = ConvertToStringWithRarityList(newInputString, clampRarity);
List returnList = new List();
- foreach (Item item in OriginalContent.Items.Concat(PatchedContent.Items))
+ foreach (ExtendedItem extendedItem in PatchedContent.ExtendedItems)
+ Item item = extendedItem.Item;
foreach (StringWithRarity stringString in new List(stringList))
if (SanitizeString(item.itemName).Contains(SanitizeString(stringString.Name)) || SanitizeString(stringString.Name).Contains(SanitizeString(item.itemName)))
diff --git a/LethalLevelLoader/Tools/ContentRestore.cs b/LethalLevelLoader/Tools/ContentRestore.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6198dc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LethalLevelLoader/Tools/ContentRestore.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.Audio;
+using UnityEngine.Rendering;
+using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
+namespace LethalLevelLoader.Tools
+ public abstract class ContentRestore
+ {
+ public abstract void Flush();
+ }
+ public abstract class ContentRestore : ContentRestore
+ {
+ protected List restoredContentDestroyList = new List();
+ // List Of New Content, List Of Original Comparisons
+ public virtual void TryRestoreContents(List originalContents, ref List newContents, bool debugAction = false, bool destroyOnRestore = true)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < newContents.Count; i++)
+ newContents[i] = TryRestoreContent(newContents[i], originalContents, debugAction, destroyOnRestore);
+ }
+ // 1 New Content : List Of Orignal Comparisons
+ public virtual T TryRestoreContent(T newContent, List originalContents, bool debugAction = false, bool destroyOnRestore = true)
+ {
+ if (newContent == null) return newContent;
+ for (int i = 0; i < originalContents.Count; i++)
+ if (originalContents[i] != null && CompareContent(originalContents[i], newContent))
+ return (RestoreContent(originalContents[i], newContent, debugAction, destroyOnRestore));
+ return (newContent);
+ }
+ // 1 New Content : 1 Original Content Comparison
+ public virtual T TryRestoreContent(T originalContent, T newContent, bool debugAction = false, bool destroyOnReplace = true)
+ {
+ if (originalContent == null || newContent == null) return originalContent;
+ if (CompareContent(originalContent, newContent))
+ return (RestoreContent(originalContent, newContent, debugAction, destroyOnReplace));
+ else
+ return (originalContent);
+ }
+ public abstract bool CompareContent(T originalContent, T newContent);
+ protected virtual T RestoreContent(T originalContent, T newContent, bool debugAction = false, bool destroyOnReplace = true)
+ {
+ if (originalContent != null && newContent != null)
+ {
+ if (debugAction == true && originalContent.ToString() != null)
+ DebugHelper.Log("Restoring " + originalContent.GetType().ToString() + ": Old Asset Name: " + originalContent + " , New Asset Name: ", DebugType.Developer);
+ if (destroyOnReplace == true)
+ if (!restoredContentDestroyList.Contains(originalContent))
+ restoredContentDestroyList.Add(originalContent);
+ }
+ else
+ DebugHelper.LogWarning("Asset Restoration Failed, Null Reference Found!", DebugType.Developer);
+ return (newContent);
+ }
+ }
+ public class UnityContentRestore : ContentRestore where T : Object
+ {
+ public override bool CompareContent(T originalContent, T newContent)
+ {
+ if (originalContent.name != null && newContent.name != null)
+ return (originalContent.name == newContent.name);
+ else
+ return (false);
+ }
+ public override void Flush()
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < restoredContentDestroyList.Count; i++)
+ Object.Destroy(restoredContentDestroyList[i]);
+ restoredContentDestroyList.Clear();
+ }
+ }
+ public class ItemRestore : UnityContentRestore-
+ {
+ public void TryRestoreContents(List newContents, List
- originalContents, bool debugAction = false, bool destroyOnRestore = true)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < newContents.Count; i++)
+ newContents[i].spawnableItem = TryRestoreContent(newContents[i].spawnableItem, originalContents, debugAction, destroyOnRestore);
+ }
+ }
+ public class EnemyRestore : UnityContentRestore
+ {
+ public void TryRestoreContents(List newContents, List originalContents, bool debugAction = false, bool destroyOnRestore = true)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < newContents.Count; i++)
+ newContents[i].enemyType = TryRestoreContent(newContents[i].enemyType, originalContents, debugAction, destroyOnRestore);
+ }
+ }
+ public class SpawnableMapObjectRestore : UnityContentRestore
+ {
+ public void TryRestoreContents(SpawnableMapObject[] newContents, List originalContents, bool debugAction = false, bool destroyOnRestore = true)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < newContents.Length; i++)
+ newContents[i].prefabToSpawn = TryRestoreContent(newContents[i].prefabToSpawn, originalContents, debugAction, destroyOnRestore);
+ }
+ public void TryRestoreContents(List newContents, List originalContents, bool debugAction = false, bool destroyOnRestore = true)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < newContents.Count; i++)
+ for (int j = 0; j < newContents[i].spawnablePrefabs.Count; j++)
+ newContents[i].spawnablePrefabs[j] = TryRestoreContent(newContents[i].spawnablePrefabs[j], originalContents, debugAction, destroyOnRestore);
+ }
+ public void TryRestoreContents(RandomMapObject newContent, List originalContents, bool debugAction = false, bool destroyOnRestore = true)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < newContent.spawnablePrefabs.Count; j++)
+ newContent.spawnablePrefabs[j] = TryRestoreContent(newContent.spawnablePrefabs[j], originalContents, debugAction, destroyOnRestore);
+ }
+ }
+ public class SpawnableOutsideObjectRestore : UnityContentRestore
+ {
+ public void TryRestoreContents(SpawnableOutsideObjectWithRarity[] newContents, List originalContents, bool debugAction = false, bool destroyOnRestore = true)
+ {
+ List prefabs = originalContents.Select(p => p.prefabToSpawn).ToList();
+ for (int i = 0; i < newContents.Length; i++)
+ newContents[i].spawnableObject.prefabToSpawn = TryRestoreContent(newContents[i].spawnableObject.prefabToSpawn, prefabs, debugAction, destroyOnRestore);
+ }
+ }
+ public class ItemGroupRestore : UnityContentRestore
+ {
+ public void TryRestoreContents(List newContents, List originalContents, bool debugAction = false, bool destroyOnRestore = true)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < newContents.Count; i++)
+ newContents[i].spawnableItems = TryRestoreContent(newContents[i].spawnableItems, originalContents, debugAction, destroyOnRestore);
+ }
+ }
+ public class ReverbPresetRestore : UnityContentRestore
+ {
+ public void TryRestoreContents(AudioReverbTrigger[] newContents, List originalContents, bool debugAction = false, bool destroyOnRestore = true )
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < newContents.Length; i++)
+ newContents[i].reverbPreset = TryRestoreContent(newContents[i].reverbPreset, originalContents, debugAction, destroyOnRestore);
+ }
+ }
+ public class AudioMixerGroupRestore : UnityContentRestore
+ {
+ public void TryRestoreContents(AudioSource[] newContents, List originalContents, bool debugAction = false, bool destroyOnRestore = true)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < newContents.Length; i++)
+ newContents[i].outputAudioMixerGroup = TryRestoreContent(newContents[i].outputAudioMixerGroup, originalContents, debugAction, destroyOnRestore);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/LethalLevelLoader/Tools/NewContentRestorer.cs b/LethalLevelLoader/Tools/NewContentRestorer.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e55378b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/LethalLevelLoader/Tools/NewContentRestorer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+using DunGen;
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Text;
+using UnityEngine;
+using UnityEngine.Audio;
+using Object = UnityEngine.Object;
+namespace LethalLevelLoader.Tools
+ public static class NewContentRestorer
+ {
+ public static ItemRestore ItemRestore { get; private set; } = new ItemRestore();
+ public static EnemyRestore EnemyRestore { get; private set; } = new EnemyRestore();
+ public static SpawnableMapObjectRestore SpawnableMapObjectRestore { get; private set; } = new SpawnableMapObjectRestore();
+ public static SpawnableOutsideObjectRestore SpawnableOutsideObjectRestore { get; private set; } = new SpawnableOutsideObjectRestore();
+ public static UnityContentRestore LevelAmbienceRestore { get; private set; } = new UnityContentRestore();
+ public static ItemGroupRestore ItemGroupRestore { get; private set; } = new ItemGroupRestore();
+ public static AudioMixerGroupRestore AudioMixerGroupRestore { get; private set; } = new AudioMixerGroupRestore();
+ public static ReverbPresetRestore ReverbPresetRestore { get; private set; } = new ReverbPresetRestore();
+ internal static List ContentRestores = new List()
+ {
+ ItemRestore, EnemyRestore, SpawnableMapObjectRestore, SpawnableOutsideObjectRestore, LevelAmbienceRestore,
+ ItemGroupRestore, AudioMixerGroupRestore, ReverbPresetRestore
+ };
+ internal static void RestoreVanillaLevelAssetReferences(ExtendedLevel extendedLevel)
+ {
+ SelectableLevel selectableLevel = extendedLevel.SelectableLevel;
+ foreach (SpawnableItemWithRarity spawnableItem in new List(selectableLevel.spawnableScrap))
+ if (spawnableItem.spawnableItem == null)
+ selectableLevel.spawnableScrap.Remove(spawnableItem);
+ ItemRestore.TryRestoreContents(selectableLevel.spawnableScrap, OriginalContent.Items);
+ EnemyRestore.TryRestoreContents(selectableLevel.Enemies, OriginalContent.Enemies);
+ EnemyRestore.TryRestoreContents(selectableLevel.DaytimeEnemies, OriginalContent.Enemies);
+ EnemyRestore.TryRestoreContents(selectableLevel.OutsideEnemies, OriginalContent.Enemies);
+ SpawnableMapObjectRestore.TryRestoreContents(selectableLevel.spawnableMapObjects, OriginalContent.SpawnableMapObjects);
+ SpawnableOutsideObjectRestore.TryRestoreContents(selectableLevel.spawnableOutsideObjects, OriginalContent.SpawnableOutsideObjects);
+ selectableLevel.levelAmbienceClips = LevelAmbienceRestore.TryRestoreContent(selectableLevel.levelAmbienceClips, OriginalContent.LevelAmbienceLibraries);
+ }
+ internal static void RestoreVanillaInteriorAssetReferences(ExtendedDungeonFlow extendedDungeonFlow)
+ {
+ foreach (Tile tile in extendedDungeonFlow.DungeonFlow.GetTiles())
+ RestoreVanillaTileAssetReferences(tile);
+ }
+ internal static void RestoreVanillaTileAssetReferences(Tile tile)
+ {
+ foreach (RandomScrapSpawn spawn in tile.GetComponentsInChildren())
+ spawn.spawnableItems = ItemGroupRestore.TryRestoreContent(spawn.spawnableItems, OriginalContent.ItemGroups);
+ foreach (RandomMapObject spawn in tile.GetComponentsInChildren())
+ SpawnableMapObjectRestore.TryRestoreContents(spawn, OriginalContent.SpawnableMapObjects);
+ }
+ internal static void RestoreVanillaParentAudioAssetReferences(GameObject parent)
+ {
+ AudioSource[] allAudioSources = parent.GetComponentsInChildren(true);
+ AudioReverbTrigger[] allReverbTriggers = parent.GetComponentsInChildren(true);
+ AudioMixerGroupRestore.TryRestoreContents(allAudioSources, OriginalContent.AudioMixerGroups, destroyOnRestore: false);
+ ReverbPresetRestore.TryRestoreContents(allReverbTriggers, OriginalContent.ReverbPresets);
+ }
+ internal static void FlushAll()
+ {
+ foreach (ContentRestore contentRestore in ContentRestores)
+ contentRestore.Flush();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/assets/thunderstore.toml b/assets/thunderstore.toml
index 436c468..e76960d 100644
--- a/assets/thunderstore.toml
+++ b/assets/thunderstore.toml
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ containsNsfwContent = false
BepInEx-BepInExPack = "5.4.2100"
-Evaisa-LethalLib = "0.16.0"
Evaisa-FixPluginTypesSerialization = "1.1.1"
MaxWasUnavailable-LethalModDataLib = "1.2.2"