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@prefix : <http://rdfdata.get-it.it/ecoss/> .
@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .
@prefix skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> .
:msfd a skos:ConceptScheme; skos:prefLabel 'Marine Strategy framework directive Criteria and Criteria Elements within ECOADS project'@en ; skos:definition 'The concept scheme stores the identified mapping among ECOADS observed parameters related to specific Criteria Elements of the MSFD Criteria'@en .
:msfd_Criteria skos:prefLabel 'MSFD Criteria'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria defined within the Marine Strategy Framework Directive'@en; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D5C1 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Nutrient concentrations'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: Nutrients in the water column: Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen (DIN), Total Nitrogen (TN), Dissolved Inorganic Phosphorus (DIP), Total Phosphorus (TP). its UoM: μmol/l'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D5C2 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Chlorophyll a concentrations'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: Chlorophyll a; Plankton bloom frequency; Plankton bloom extent its UoM: μg/l'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D5C3 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'The number, spatial extent and duration of harmful algal bloom events'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: Harmful algal blooms its UoM: number/year or days/year or km2'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D5C4 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'The photic limit (transparency)'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: The photic limit (transparency) its UoM: m'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D5C5 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'The concentration of dissolved oxygen'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: Dissolved oxygen its UoM: mg/l'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D5C6 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'The abundance of opportunistic macroalgae'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: Opportunistic macroalgae of benthic habitats its UoM: km2 or %'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D5C7 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'The species composition and relative abundance or depth distribution of macrophyte communities'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: Macrophyte communities its UoM: km2'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D5C8 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'The species composition and relative abundance of macrofaunal communities'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: Macrofaunal communities its UoM: km2'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D6C1 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Spatial extent and distribution of physical loss (permanent change)'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: Physical loss its UoM: km2'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D6C2 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Spatial extent and distribution of physical disturbance pressures'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: Physical disturbance its UoM: km2'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D6C3 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Spatial extent of each habitat type which is adversely affected, through change in its biotic and abiotic structure and its functions by physical disturbance'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: Benthic broad habitat types or other habitat types its UoM: km2'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D6C4 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Benthic habitat extent (loss)'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: Benthic broad habitat types or other habitat types its UoM: km2'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D6C5 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Benthic habitat condition (extent of adverse effects including alteration to its biotic and abiotic structures and its functions)'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: Benthic broad habitat types or other habitat types its UoM: km2'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D7C1 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Spatial extent and distribution of permanent alteration of hydrographical conditions to the seabed and water column'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: Hydrographical changes to the seabed and water column its UoM: km2'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D7C2 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Spatial extent of each benthic habitat type adversely affected due to permanent alteration of hydrographical conditions.'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: Benthic broad habitats types or other habitat types its UoM: km2'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D8C1 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Concentrations of contaminants'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: concentrations of contaminants its UoM: μg/l or μg/kg'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D8C2 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Health of species and the condition of habitats'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: Species and habitats which are at risk from contaminants its UoM: km2'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D8C3 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Spatial extent and duration of significant acute pollution events'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: Significant acute pollution events involving polluting substances its UoM: km2'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D8C4 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Effects of significant acute pollution events on the health of species and on the condition of habitats'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: Species of the species groups its UoM: km2'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D9C1 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'The level of contaminants in edible tissues of seafood'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: Contaminants listed in Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 and others its UoM: (concentrations of contaminants in the units set out in the Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006)'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D10C1 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'The composition, amount and spatial distribution of litter on the coastline, in the surface layer of the water column, and on the seabed'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: Litter (excluding micro-litter), classified in the following categories: artificial polymer materials, rubber, cloth/textile, paper/ cardboard, processed/worked wood, metal, glass/ceramics, chemicals, undefined, and food waste. its UoM: n° of items/100m or n° of items/km2'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D10C2 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'The composition, amount and spatial distribution of micro-litter on the coastline, in the surface layer of the water column, and in seabed sediment'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: Micro-litter (particles < 5mm), classified in the categories ‘artificial polymer materials’ and ‘other its UoM: g/kg or n° of items/km2 or g/m2 or n° of items/m2'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D10C3 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'The amount of litter and micro-litter ingested by marine animals'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: Litter and micro-litter classified in the categories ‘artificial polymer materials’ and ‘other’, assessed in any species from the following groups: birds, mammals, reptiles, fish or invertebrates. its UoM: g/weight unit or n° of items/weight unit or n° of items/weight unit or n° of items/weight unit'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D10C4 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'The number of individuals of each species which are adversely affected due to litter, such as by entanglement, other types of injury or mortality, or health effects.'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: Species of birds, mammals, reptiles, fish or invertebrates which are at risk from litter. its UoM: n° of individual'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D1C1 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Mortality rate from incidental by-catch'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: Mortality rate per species from incidental by-catch its UoM: mortality rate per species per fishing metier (???)'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D1C2 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Population abundance'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: set of species representative of each species group its UoM: n° of individuals per species or n° of items/weight unit'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D1C3 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Population demographic characteristics'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: set of species representative of each species group its UoM: ???'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D1C4 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Population distributional range and pattern'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: set of species representative of each species group its UoM: ???'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D1C5 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Habitat for the species'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: set of species representative of each species group its UoM: ???'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D1C6 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Pelagic habitat condition'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: the condition of the habitat, including its biotic and abiotic structure and functions is not adversely affected its UoM: km2 and % of adversely affected habitat'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D2C1 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Newly-introduced NIS'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: Newly-introduced non-indigenous species its UoM: n° of species in 6 years'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D2C2 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Established NIS'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: set of non-indigenous species its UoM: n° of individuals, tonnes, or km2 of non-indigenous species'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D2C3 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Adverse effects of NIS'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: species groups and habitats at risk its UoM: ratio (n) indigenous/non-indigenous species or km2 of altered habitat'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D3C1 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Fishing mortality rate (F)'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: commercially-exploited fish and shellfish its UoM: rate year'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D3C2 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Spawning stock biomass (SSB)'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: commercially-exploited fish and shellfish its UoM: tonnes or n individuals per species'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D3C3 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Population age/size distribution'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: commercially-exploited fish and shellfish its UoM: % or n / lenght cm'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D4C1 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Trophic guild species diversity'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: trophic guilds of an ecosystem its UoM: ???'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D4C2 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Abundance across trophic guilds'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: trophic guilds of an ecosystem its UoM: n° individuals or tonnes across all species within the trophic guild'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D4C3 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Trophic guild size distribution'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: trophic guilds of an ecosystem its UoM: ???'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D4C4 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'Trophic guild productivity'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: trophic guilds of an ecosystem its UoM: ???'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D11C1 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'spatial distribution, temporal extent, and levels of anthropogenic impulsive sound sources'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: Anthropogenic impulsive sound its UoM: n° days per quarter or per month or n° of items/weight unit or n° of items/weight unit'@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .
:msfd_D11C2 a skos:Concept; a :msfd_Criteria ; skos:prefLabel 'spatial distribution, temporal extent, and levels of anthropogenic continuous low-frequency sound'@en ; skos:Description 'Criteria elements are: Anthropogenic continuous low-frequency sound its UoM: annual average of continuous sound level per unit area or % of assessment area or % of assessment area '@en ; skos:inScheme :msfd .