Component Descriptors are stored in Component Repositories. This chapter describes in a programing language/protocol agnostic fashion the functions a Component Repository MUST implement to be OCM conform. A Component Repository MUST implement a method to upload and a method to fetch uploaded Component Descriptors. A Component Repository MAY implement a method to delete uploaded Component Descriptors.
This specification makes no assumptions and regulations about how Component Repositories will be implemented. Possible realizations are:
- The Component Descriptors could be stored in different backends like OCI registry, a github repo, a data base etc.
- A facade/proxy API layer on top of the backend, implementing the upload, fetch and delete methods according to the requirements of this specification. This could be a Go/Python client API, some http server...
A Component Repository MUST provide a method to upload Component Descriptors.
Description: Uploads a Component Descriptor to the Component Repository. If successful, the Component Descriptor is accessible by its name and version (see GetComponentDescriptor). The name and version of a Component Descriptor is the identifier of a Component Descriptor, therefore if there already exists a Component Descriptor with the same name and version, the upload fails.
A Component Repository MUST check if all referenced Component Descriptors and local blobs are already stored in the Component Repository. Local blobs are special artifacts stored in a Component Repository, described in more detail in the next chapter.
If the identifier of entries in resources, sources or componentReferences are not unique, as described before, an invalidArgument error MUST be returned.
If the identifier of resources and sources (name plus extraIdentity) are not unique, a Component Repository might automatically add the version field to the extraIdentity to resolve this problem. Of course, it MUST still fail, if uniqueness of the resource identifiers could not be achieved this way.
If the last entry in the "repositoryContext" field is not an entry for the current Component Repository, such an entry is automatically added.
- String componentDescriptor: JSON or YAML representation of the Component Descriptor
- Bool: true if upload was successful
- alreadyExists: If there already exists a Component Descriptor with the same name and version
- missingReference: If a referenced Component Descriptor or local blob does not exist in the Component Repository
- invalidArgument: If the parameter componentDescriptor is missing or is not conform to the specified json schema
- repositoryError: If some error occurred in the Component Repository
A Component Repository MUST provide a method to fetch uploaded Component Descriptors.
Description: Returns the Component Descriptor as a YAML or JSON string according the JSON schema.
- String name: Name of the Component Descriptor
- String version: Version of the Component Descriptor
- String: YAML or JSON string of the Component Descriptor
- invalidArgument: If one of the input parameters is empty
- doesNotExist: If the Component Descriptor does not exist
- repositoryError: If some error occurred in the Component Repository
A Component Repository MUST provide a method to list the uploaded Component Descriptors.
Description: Returns an iterator over all name-version-pairs of all stored Component Descriptors.
- Iterator over name-version pairs: Iterator over name and version pairs
- repositoryError: If some error occurred in the Component Repository
A Component Descriptor defines the artefacts of a component version and many processes rely on this information. Therefore, Component Descriptors uploaded to a Component Repository SHOULD be immutable. Nevertheless, a Component Repository MAY provide a method to delete Component Descriptors.
Description: Deletes the Component Descriptor. The deletion of a *Component Descriptor fails if it is referenced by another Component Descriptor.
- String name: Name of the Component Descriptor
- String version: Version of the Component Descriptor
- doesNotExist: If the Component Descriptor does not exist
- existingReference: If the Component Descriptor is still referenced
- invalidArgument: If one of the input parameters is empty
- repositoryError: If some error occurred in the Component Repository
This specification makes no assumptions about the behaviour of a Component Repository in case of parallel requests. For example if you upload Component Descriptor nothing is said about the behaviour in case of the parallel deletion of a referenced Component Descriptor.
Also, assumptions with respect to atomicity and durability are out of scope of this document.