- MODKBEKBJ-528 Fix hanged holding loading
- Upgrade to folio-holdingsiq-client v1.10.3
- MODKBEKBJ-522 Fix filtering packages by tags
- MODKBEKBJ-537 Fix migration scripts
- MODKBEKBJ-532 Fix filtering resources in packages by access types
- Update to RMB v31.1.5 and Vert.x 3.9.4
- MODKBEKBJ-505 Log responses from HoldingsIQ/MODKBEKBJ
- MODKBEKBJ-515 GET Titles search | change searchtype from advanced to contains
- fix console logging
- Upgrade RMB to v31.1.0
- MODKBEKBJ-472 Return a better message when the title is no longer in a package
- Upgrade RMB to v31.0.0
- MODKBEKBJ-463 Send correct error message from HoldingsIQ
- MODKBEKBJ-462 Support package information returned on GET /titles
- MODKBEKBJ-454 Change search by Tags filter format
- MODKBEKBJ-435 Update DB schema to have separate user table
- MODKBEKBJ-516 Change custom labels' max label length
- MODKBEKBJ-517 Change custom labels' max value length
- MODKBEKBJ-501 Load Holdings timer process does not update holdings
- MODKBEKBJ-449 Prevent duplicate KB credentials
- MODKBEKBJ-450 Remove restrictions to support deleting KB credentials
- MODKBEKBJ-452 Schema migration issue from Fameflower - Goldenrod
- MODKBEKBJ-444 - Update migration scripts
- MODKBEKBJ-447 - Add support of PATCH credentials endpoint
- Upgrade eholdings interface to v2.1
- Upgrade RMB to v30.1.0
- MODKBEKBJ-444 - Final verification migration scripts before release Q2 2020
- MODKBEKBJ-443 - Update to RMB v30
- MODKBEKBJ-430 - Support POST /eholdings/loading/kb-credentials to load holdings for all KB Credentials
- MODKBEKBJ-436 - Securing APIs by default
- MODKBEKBJ-427 - Update GET /loadHoldings/status to support getting status for certain credentials
- MODKBEKBJ-432 - Modify configuration routine to support user related KB credentials
- MODKBEKBJ-428 - Set loading status "Not Started" on KB Credentials creation
- MODKBEKBJ-434 - Apply credentials to services that work with local data of packages, providers, resources, titles
- MODKBEKBJ-429 - Support POST /eholdings/loading/kb-credentials/{credentialsId} to load holdings for certain KB Credentials
- MODKBEKBJ 413 - Update mapping and filtering by access types for packages and resources
- MODKBEKBJ-433 - Update RMAPITemplate to use new configuration routine
- MODKBEKBJ-432 - Modify configuration routine to support user related KB credentials
- MODKBEKBJ-438 - Update default RM API url
- MODKBEKBJ-406 - Update DELETE /eholdings/access-types/{id} to support multiple KB credentials
- MODKBEKBJ-418 - Update PUT /eholdings/root-proxy to support multiple KB credentials
- MODKBEKBJ-405 - Update PUT /eholdings/access-types/{id} to support multiple KB credentials
- MODKBEKBJ-404 - Update GET /eholdings/access-types/{id} to support multiple KB credentials
- MODKBEKBJ-403 - Update POST /eholdings/access-types to support multiple KB credentials
- MODKBEKBJ-417 - Update GET /eholdings/root-proxy to support multiple KB credentials
- MODKBEKBJ-416 - Update GET /eholdings/proxy-types to support multiple KB credentials
- MODKBEKBJ-402 - Update GET /eholdings/access-types to support multiple KB credentials
- MODKBEKBJ-415 - Update PUT /eholdings/custom-labels to support multiple KB credentials
- MODKBEKBJ-424 - Support GET /eholdings/user-kb-credential to retrieve KB credentials entry for user
- MODKBEKBJ-414 - Update GET /eholdings/custom-labels to support multiple KB credentials
- MODKBEKBJ-412 - Support DELETE /eholdings/kb-credentials/{credId}/users/{userId} to remove association between user and KB
- MODKBEKBJ-411 - Support PUT /eholdings/kb-credentials/{credId}/users/{userId} to update details of user associated with KB
- MODKBEKBJ-410 - Support POST /eholdings/kb-credentials/{credId}/users to associate user with KB
- MODKBEKBJ-408 - Support GET /eholdings/kb-credentials/{credId}/users to retrieve users associated with KBs
- MODKBEKBJ-423 - Support DELETE /eholdings/kb-credentials/{credentialsId} to delete KB credentials entry
- MODKBEKBJ-422 - Support PUT /eholdings/kb-credentials{credentialsId} to update existing KB credentials entry
- MODKBEKBJ-421 - Support GET /eholdings/kb-credentials/{credentialsId} to retrieve particular KB credential entry
- MODKBEKBJ-420 - Support POST /eholdings/kb-credentials to create new KB credentials entry
- MODKBEKBJ-356 - Filter titles by access type
- MODKBEKBJ-376 - Filter titles by access type into package
- MODKBEKBJ-384 - Apply sort to packages into title
- MODKBEKBJ-386 - Implement endpoint to bulk load packages records
- MODKBEKBJ-392 - Fix migrating from v3.2.0 to v3.3.1
- MODKBEKBJ-426 - Fix embargo time units are not properly converted
- Set Load Holdings Strategy to DefaultLoadServiceFacade
- MODKBEKBJ-385 - Implement endpoint to bulk load resources records
- MODKBEKBJ-375 - Provider: Search within Packages: Filter Packages by Access Status Type
- MODKBEKBJ-349 - Set access type on create custom package
- MODKBEKBJ-350 - Set access type on edit package
- MODKBEKBJ-353 - Set access type on update not custom package
- MODKBEKBJ-354 - Set access type on update resource
- MODKBEKBJ-355 - Implement package filtering by access type
- MODKBEKBJ-374 - Make max access types value be configurable
- MODKBEKBJ-377 - Add contributors list in GET /eholdings/titles response
- MODKBEKBJ-378 - Add number of records to GET /eholdings/access-types endpoints
- MODKBEKBJ-380 - Fix delete access type implementation
- MODKBEKBJ-334 - Custom labels: Expand POST title payload
- MODKBEKBJ-335 - Custom labels: Expand PUT title payload
- MODKBEKBJ-336 - Custom labels: Expand GET title payload regardless of the package(s)
- MODKBEKBJ-337 - Custom labels: Expand GET title payload for package-title records
- MODKBEKBJ-340 - Custom labels: retrieve custom labels list
- MODKBEKBJ-341 - Custom labels: update custom labels list
- MODKBEKBJ-342 - Custom labels: retrieve custom label by id
- MODKBEKBJ-343 - Custom labels: delete custom label
- MODKBEKBJ-344 - Use new HoldingsIQ endpoints to use delta reports
- MODKBEKBJ-345 - Custom Labels: update existing implementation
- MODKBEKBJ-346 - Fix bug where resource is not removed if request has userDefinedFields
- MODKBEKBJ-348 - Settings: CRUD Access Status Types
- MODKBEKBJ-333 - Set fromModuleVersion attribute for all tables
- MODKBEKBJ-339 - Update RMB version to 29.0.1
- MODKBEKBJ-320 - Add audit table for holdings_status
- MODKBEKBJ-338 - Manage container memory
- MODKBEKBJ-329 - Fix Security Vulnerability
- MODKBEKBJ-325 - Fix Issue with accessing eholdings with highly limited permissions
- MODKBEKBJ-324 - Add timeout to loading process
- MODKBEKBJ-321 - Create holdings snapshot only if it wasn't recently created
- MODKBEKBJ-311 - Don't override loading status when TenantAPI is called second time
- MODKBEKBJ-315 - Fix Security Vulnerability
- MODKBEKBJ-311 - Add isFullPackage to schema for PUT /packages/{id} endpoint,
- MODKBEKBJ-312 - Update RMB to version 27.0.0
- MODKBEKBJ-309 - Change frequency of loading to 5 days
- MODKBEKBJ-306 - Correctly process "None" status on loading holdings
- MODKBEKBJ-287 - Remove update of resource tags from resource endpoints
- MODKBEKBJ-286 - Remove update of provider tags from provider endpoints
- MODKBEKBJ-283 - Remove update of package tags from package endpoints
- MODKBEKBJ-294 - "Internal Server Error" appears after removing any title from Custom package
- MODKBEKBJ-284 - Add retry mechanism for loading holdings
- MODKBEKBJ-293 - Add default timestamp to updated_at column
- MODKBEKBJ-285 - Implement GET /loadHoldings/status
- MODKBEKBJ-282 - Add separate endpoint for updating resource tags
- MODKBEKBJ-281 - Add separate endpoint for updating provider tags
- MODKBEKBJ-263 - Add method to return list of Tags available for an entity type
- MODKBEKBJ-280 - Add separate endpoint for updating package tags
- MODKBEKBJ-266 - Resources: Make unit tests payloads more realistic
- MODKBEKBJ-265 - Title: Make unit tests payloads more realistic
- MODKBEKBJ-264 - Package: Make unit tests payloads more realistic
- MODKBEKBJ-251 - Provider: Make unit tests payloads more realistic
- MODKBEKBJ-273 - Holdings: Update save holdings flow
- MODKBEKBJ-271 - Provider/Package Search: Internal server error
- MODKBEKBJ-187 - Tags: Update mod-kb-ebsco-java to search providers by tag filter only
- MODKBEKBJ-214 - Tags: add provider table to database
- MODKBEKBJ-215 - Tags: Cache providers that are retrieved by id
- MODKBEKBJ-218 - Tags: add title table to database
- MODKBEKBJ-219 - Tags: Cache titles that are retrieved by id
- MODKBEKBJ-220 - Create holdings table
- MODKBEKBJ-221 - Tags: add resources table to database
- MODKBEKBJ-222 - Tags: Cache resources that are retrieved by id
- MODKBEKBJ-227 - Modify ModuleDescriptor
- MODKBEKBJ-230 - Filter by tags only - Resources
- MODKBEKBJ-236 - Tags: Update providers (search within packages ) to filter by tags only
- MODKBEKBJ-237 - Tags: Update packages (search within titles ) to filter by tags only
- MODKBEKBJ-238 - Create periodic task to populate holdings table
- MODKBEKBJ-240 - Provider | List of Packages | Display assigned package tags
- MODKBEKBJ-241 - Package | List of Titles | Display assigned resource tags
- MODKBEKBJ-242 - Title | List of Packages | Display assigned resource tags
- MODKBEKBJ-250 - Fix security vulnerabilities reported in jackson-databind >= 2.0.0, < 2.9.9
- MODKBEKBJ-186 - Tags: add endpoint to return all tags assigned to records of particular type(s)
- MODKBEKBJ-188 - Tags: search packages by tag filter only
- MODKBEKBJ-201 - Spike: Define technical approach for using RM API to filter results by tags
- MODKBEKBJ-205 - Switching to managed coverage dates does not work
- MODKBEKBJ-208 - Contributor Type: Filter out any contributor type that is not Author, Editor,Illustrator
- MODKBEKBJ-209 - Do not capitalize contributor type
- MODKBEKBJ-210 - Tags: add package table to database
- MODKBEKBJ-211 - Tags: Cache packages that are retrieved by id
- MODKBEKBJ-214 - Add provider table to database
- MODKBEKBJ-215 - Add cache for providers
- MODKBEKBJ-219 - Add cache for titles
- MODKBEKBJ-218 - Add title table to database
- MODKBEKBJ-221 - Add resource table to database
- MODKBEKBJ-222 - Add cache for resources
- MODKBEKBJ-162- Tags: assign/unassign tags to Package record
- MODKBEKBJ-163 - Tags: assign/unassign tags to Title record
- MODKBEKBJ-165 - Tags: assign/unassign tags to Resource record
- MODKBEKBJ-168 - Error when removing managed titles from holdings
- MODKBEKBJ-174- Remove title from holdings - Error converting value "Streaming Video"
- MODKBEKBJ-176 - Bug on adding resource to holdings
- MODKBEKBJ-177- Add a method to modify title
- MODKBEKBJ-181 - Investigate Newman error messages reason during collection run
- MODKBEKBJ-182 - Tags: assign/unassign tags on provider when no package is selected
- MODKBEKBJ-183 - Tags: assign/unassign tags on resources regardless of isSelected value
- MODKBEKBJ-194 - Custom Coverages are not returned in descending order
- MODKBEKBJ-196 - Tags: assign/unassign tags on title regardless of whether it is managed or custom
- MODKBEKBJ-197 - Tags: assign/unassign tags on package regardless of isSelected value
- MODKBEKBJ-198 - DB upgrade fails
- MODKBEKBJ-200 - Invalid filter for packages does not return ValidationException
- MODKBEKBJ-168 - Error when removing managed titles from holdings
- MODKBEKBJ-161 - Tags: assign/unassign tags to Provider record
- MODKBEKBJ-158 - Tags: retrieve tags assigned to Provider record
- MODKBEKBJ-159 - Tags: retrieve tags assigned to Package record
- MODKBEKBJ-160 - Tags: retrieve tags assigned to Title record
- MODKBEKBJ-164 - Tags: retrieve tags assigned to Resource record
- MODKBEKBJ-155 - Refactor of Postman API tests
- MODKBEKBJ-2 - Setting up the project
- MODKBEKBJ-4 - Rewrite Configuration
- MODKBEKBJ-6 - Rewrite Proxy related endpoints
- MODKBEKBJ-7 - Rewrite Providers endpoints
- MODKBEKBJ-8 - Rewrite Packages endpoints
- MODKBEKBJ-9 - Rewrite Resources endpoints
- MODKBEKBJ-10 - Rewrite Titles endpoints
- Replace mod-kb-ebsco (ruby version) with mod-kb-ebsco-java in environments
- Added raml files
- Initial module setup
- Added Jenkinsfile
- Added Dockerfile
- Updated README file
- Added boilterplate files
- Repository creation