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Latest Builds

For an up-to-date development build of fp without the need to build from source, click on the latest workflow run on the ci page and download the patch for the version you want under the Artifacts header


If you want to build fp on Windows, you'll have to install the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). Instructions for this can be found: here

fp requires glank's n64 toolchain to compile and build. If you're on a debian-based linux distribution, you can install a prebuilt package of the toolchain by running:

sudo sh -c '(curl || wget -O - | gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/practicerom.gpg && echo deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/practicerom.gpg] staging main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/practicerom.list && apt update'
sudo apt install practicerom-dev

For those on other operating systems or who want to build from source, follow the instructions on the n64 repository (note that building the toolchain from scratch can take a good amount of time. The prebuilt package is recommended if you're able to use it)


Install required modules by running:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Clone the fp source code by running:

git clone --recursive

To build fp binaries, run ./ and then ninja ver with ver being either us or jp. This will only build the fp binaries and will not patch a rom. If you want to patch a rom, you can skip this step and move on to the patching section.



To create a patched ROM, run

./makerom <rom-file>

replacing <rom-file> with the path to a unmodified (and 100% legally obtained) Mario Story (J) or Paper Mario (U) ROM.

If you do not specifiy an output rom with -o <output-rom>, the newly built fp rom will be located in the root directory as either fp-jp.z64 or fp-us.z64.

You can also specify additional arguments that will be passed to the configure script (see ./ --help) using the CONFIGOPTS environment variable and to ninja using the MAKEOPTS environment variable


To create a patched WAD for use with Wii VC, you must have gzinject installed. If you followed the above instructions to install the prebuilt toolchain, this will already be installed. If not, follow the instructions here. You will also need to generate the Wii common key by running gzinject -a genkey in the root directory of the repository and following the instructions.

To patch a WAD, run

./makewad <wad>

You can provide a Paper Mario or Mario Story ROM with the -m flag. Otherwise, the patcher will use the ROM included in the provided WAD. The output WAD will either be called fp-us.wad or fp-jp.wad depending on which ROM you injected. If you want it to be created with a different name, use the -o flag to specify it.

It is also possible to pass arguments to gzinject by including them in the makewad arguments, though the defaults should work fine for most people.

Wii U

To inject into the Wii U VC emulator, first download and install Phacox's Injector from here. You will also need a dumped copy of the Virtual Console game you want to inject into. To inject an fp ROM:

  • Select the fp ROM by clicking the "Choose" button in the injector window and choosing the ROM file
  • Choose the Virtual Console base game to inject into by clicking the "Load base" button and selecting the folder that contains the game that you dumped
  • Put a new name for the injected game in the "Short name" textbox
  • Go to the "Injecting" menu on the left side of the window and either click the "Do not pack" button if you will be using loadiine or "Do pack" if you will be using WUP Installer
  • Select the folder you want the injected game to be placed in and wait until it has finished