When you already have all information set in admin pannel then use:
getActiveAdsBanners(sectionCode, localCode)
to get all active banners in specific section and locale
or if you want get banners only from one ad then use :
getActiveAdBanners(sectionCode, localeCode, adCode)
use Endpoint :
to get all active banners in specific section and locale or if you want get banners only from one ad then use :
All Banners from Twig and API are returning in order from following example :
- Shop has 2 active ads :
- Ad_1 with priority 10
- Ad_2 with priority 20
- Every Ad has 3 images :
- Img_1 with priority 10
- Img_2 with priority 20
- Img_3 with priority 30
So Returned images will be in order :
Ad_2 - Img_3
Ad_2 - Img_2
Ad_2 - Img_1
Ad_1 - Img_3
Ad_1 - Img_2
Ad_1 - Img_1