- To auto-fill!
- Recent commands used... long history
- prints
- looks up 'manual' for command line terminals, ie: 'man grep' will give the documentation for how to use grep on the terminal.
- man grep
- Look for a command that does what you want, or a similar comand.
- apropos search will return grep and other search-related commands.
- backwards search for commands you've typed into terminal before; start typing the command and it will auto-fill with recent commands that match
- will let you open a page that you can scroll up/down, with quit ("q), without leaving the text printed out on your terminal.
- less cat week_one.md week_two.md
- concatination
- will print out the text onto your terminal
- Type in several inputs and the text will be added.
- ie: cat week_one.md week_two.md
- This could be piped to then create a new folder, etc
- search for text within a file
- word count, line count, character count
- wc command_line.md at one point returned:
- 38 194 1066 command_line.md