The plugin provides several configuration options that can adjust its internal behavior. Server-side options are represented as TeamCity internal properties. In most cases, you won't need to modify them.
Specifies the number of workers responsible for processing the internal queue of events generated by BuildGraph builds. This setting is used to track the status of corresponding badges defined in a BuildGraph script and to post metadata to the UGS metadata server.
Default value: 3
Sets the buffer size for each worker. When the buffer overflows, the oldest events will be dropped.
Default value: 100
Defines the number of retry attempts the UGS client will make for failed requests before giving up.
Default value: 3
Specifies the timeout duration for an entire HTTP request to the UGS metadata server, from sending the request to receiving the response. The value should be formatted according to the ISO-8601 standard.
Default value: PT5S (5 seconds)