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代码问题导致的错误(Bugs caused by code problems)
该issue已被处理,将在下次推送中更新(The issue has been processed and will be updated in the next push)
需删除的issue(Issues to be deleted)
更新依赖的拉取请求(Pull requests that update a dependency file)
改进或补充文件(Improvements or additions to documentation)
文档包含解决方案,请先自行查阅(The documentation contains the solution, so please check it out for yourself first)
与已有的反馈或需求重复(This issue or pull request already exists)
新功能或需求(New feature or request)
需要补充信息或配合测试(Feedbackers are required to add information or cooperate with the test)
非项目代码错误的求助(Extra attention is needed)
非代码故障导致错误或异常(Non-code faults causing errors or anomalies)
没有意义或无关的Issue(Issue with no meaning or relevance)
想得到更多的详细支持(Further information is requested)
提供的信息不完整或不能帮助排查问题(Additional information provided is incomplete or does not help to troubleshoot th)
这将不会被处理(This will not be worked on)
You can’t perform that action at this time.