NOTE: Tested on Visual Studio 2022
Clone this repository with submodules
This needed to be done once
- Open 3rdparty/freeimage/FreeImage.2017.sln in Visual Studio
- Migrate project to your version of studio (if needed)
- Select Build -> Batch Build...
- Select FreeImageLib / Debug / Win32 and FreeImagePlus / Debug / Win32
- Press Build
- Now you can close this project
This needed to be done once
- Open 3rdparty/tinyxpath/tinyxpath.sln in Visual Studio
- Migrate project to your version of studio (if needed)
- Select Build -> Batch Build...
- Select tinyxpath_lib / Debug / Win32
- Press Build
- Now you can close this project
- Open perimeter-map-compiler.sln in Vistual Studio 2022 (or greater)
- Select Debug / x86
- Build or Run