Run Grakn and Graql in a docker container running under the traditional Java 8 (from OpenJDK or another source).
Find out more about Grakn and Graql from the Resources section below.
On start-up, useful details including time to start-up the Grakn server and duration for which Graql was run are printed.
Also, available experimental usage of GraalVM, to take advantages of the performance benefits of this JVM.
- Run Grakn and Graql in a docker container
- Ability to create custom docker images (scripts & docs provided)
- Ability to debug the docker container
- Run using the traditional JDK (OpenJDK or vendor specific versions)
- Run using the polyglot JVM i.e. GraalVM JDK (Community version from Oracle Labs)
- Measure startup and execution times for the different JDKs used
- Run Grakn's native performance benchmarking scripts
See Scripts provided.
- - measure the startup time between traditional JDK and GraalVM (with JVMCI enabled and disabled), see successful run console output generated from this script.
- - script baked into the docker image, run via the script (see usage text to find out how to run it). This usually takes a bit of time to finish due to the many steps it does with bazel and building benchmark. Also see the performance script execution output.
Note: you need to do the below only if you are trying to build your own version of the Grakn Docker container and push to your own Docker Hub repository. Otherwise you can skip this section and move on.
Ensure your environment has the below variable set, or set it in your .bashrc
or .bash_profile
or the relevant startup script:
export DOCKER_USER_NAME="your_docker_username"
You must have an account on Docker hub under the above user name.
See Run the performance script
See Build the Grakn docker container
Find the Grakn Docker Image on Docker Hub. The ./ --pushImageToHub
command pushes the image to the Docker hub and the ./ --runContainer
script runs it from the local repository. If this is absent in your local repository, scripts download this image from the Docker Hub.
See Building Grakn
- java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Lorg/codehaus/janino/ScriptEvaluator - moving back to GraalVM CE 19.2.1 seem to have resolved the issue.
- 6 Unsupported features exception (log4j might be one of the reasons) - being discussed with the GraalVM team.
See Graql README
See English-to-Graql
See Graql-to-English
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All the code and scripts container in this folder grakn
are a proof-of-concept work to illustrate use-case(s) and usage scenarios. It is not mean to be a full-fledge solution and is adapted to show-case certain scenarios and hence all of the behaviours are in that order.
The code (this repo) and the referred datasets (see Grakns' docs and git repos)are available as F/OSS. The code is available here under the Apache license, see license.txt and can be used/changed accordingly. Grakn's resources are available under their said licenses (please check accordingly).
Contributions are very welcome, please share back with the wider community (and get credited for it)!
Please have a look at the CONTRIBUTING guidelines, also have a read about our licensing policy.
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