- Introductory
- Classification
- Feature engineering
- WaveNet
- DeepAR
- Methods: ARMA/ARIMA/SARIMA and others
- Non-stationary Time-series
- Generalized Additive Models
- Courses / Tutorials / Workshops
- Applied Time series
- Gaussian process
- Neural Networks & Deep Learning
- Forecasting
- Forecasting using Prophet
- Prediction
- Trend estimation / trend analysis
- Notebooks
- Misc
See Notebooks under more time-series resources
- H2O
- Unsupervised anomaly detection, using H2O-3's Deep Learning autoencoders
- Anomaly Detection via H2O Deep Learning Model
- Anomaly Detection: Increasing Classification Accuracy with H2O's Autoencoder and R
- H2O - Autoencoders and anomaly detection (Python)
- Anomaly Detection Using H2O Deep Learning
- How to create a model for anomaly detection in H2O-R
- Anomaly Detection with Deep Learning in R with H2O
- H2O: A hybrid and hierarchical outlier detection method for large scale data protection
- (Video) Anomaly Detection: Increasing Classification Accuracy with H2O's Autoencoder and R
- Applying Machine Learning Using H2O
- (Video) Using H2O for Mobile Transaction Forecasting & Anomaly Detection - Capital One
- (Video) Using H2O Two Ways for Mobile Transaction Forecasting & Anomaly Detection - Rahul Gupta, Capital One
- (Video) Anomaly Detection and Feature Engineering by Arno Candel
- Anomaly Detection for Time Series Data with Deep Learning
- Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
- Anomaly/Fraud Detection in Credit Card Transactions
- Autoencoders and anomaly detection with machine learning in fraud analytics
- Introduction to Anomaly Detection
- Machine Learning Basics — Part 4 — Anomaly Detection, Recommender Systems and Scaling
- Outlier Detection and Anomaly Detection with Machine Learning
- Open source Anomaly Detection in Python
- learnmachinelearning on Reddit.com
- Anomaly detection resources on Medium.com
- Videos by Ashrith Barthur on Security, Time-series and Anomaly detection
- (Video) A review of machine learning techniques for anomaly detection - Dr David Green
- (Video) Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Isolation Forest by Elena Sharova
- (Video) Anomaly Detection: Algorithms, Explanations, Applications
- How to use machine learning for anomaly detection and condition monitoring
- AnomalyDetection R package by @Twitter
- Pycularity - Python port of @Twitter's AnomalyDetection
- Accurate anomaly detection
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