Simple Node scheduling backed by Firebase RD.
- Scheduling a new job and automatic redundancy via Firebase.
- Cancelling existing jobs from job key.
- Requeuing existing jobs from a cold server start.
You can install Bonfire using Yarn or NPM.
It is recommended that you use --exact
as the library is constantly evolving and may break without notice.
# Via Yarn:
$ yarn add bonfire --exact
# or via NPM:
$ npm install bonfire --save-exact
import { Bonfire } from 'bonfire'
Start by providing a reference to the Firebase key within your Firebase Database. This will serve as the redundancy mechanism for the queued jobs. Additionally, a callback to process the completed jobs must be specified.
// Import the Firebase Admin SDK
import * as Firebase from 'firebase-admin'
// Import the Bonfire library.
import { Bonfire } from 'bonfire'
// Grab a reference to the node of your choosing. For this demo, we'll use the
// 'jobs' key at the root level.
let ref: Firebase.database.reference = Firebase.database().ref('jobs')
// Pass the newly extracted reference to the Bonfire object. This object can
// then be used as desired.
let jobScheduler: Bonfire.Scheduler = new Bonfire.Scheduler(ref, (key: String, job: Bonfire.Job) => {
// Process completed events here.
console.log('Completed job with key: ' + key)
Now you're probably wondering, how do I schedule my first job...? Well, it's actually quite simple.
let job: Bonfire.Job = new Bonfire.Job(
// Setting the key is important, it serves as the key/id of the job, and
// will help as an identification mechaism.
// The type helps you figure out how to handle the job and parse its
// payload.
// Last but not least, set the time at which the job will be executed.
// In this case, it will be executed 60 seconds from the current time.
new Date( + 60000)
// Finally we schedule our job and wait for the magic to happen.
Shortly after you will see the following message in your console.
Completed job with key: test_key
There are many ways to contribute to Bonfire, you can:
- submit bugs,
- help track issues,
- review code changes,
- or, engage in discussion about new features.