• Serving 800+ users across 4 different servers , enabling seamless multilingual communication across 135+ languages.
• Harnessing the power of the Google Translate API to provide robust translation capabilities for 135+ languages.
• Leveraging the Detect Language API to assist Google Translate API for enhancing the bot’s flexibility to handle 5+ different tasks.
Note: Dont write any extra text other than only mention in the message. This feature is included in the bot for avoiding spam.
Note: '.' is the default prefix of the bot. If the bot's prefix for your server have been changed then use that prefix instead.
Go to the help section of the bot to see and manage your server's prefix.
Translated the message to the selected language. Note: Do not include curly brace while writing the command.
Shorten form for the translate command.
For the List of All Commands, see the help section of the bot. It contains all the upgraded info of the bot for that particular version.