- 1.isUnique string
- 2.reverse string
- 3.is Permutation
- 4.Replace Spaces
- 5.string compression
- 6.Rotate Matrix
- 7.Set Zero
- 8.isRotation
- 1.Remove Duplicate
- 2.Kth to the last
- 3.Delete Node
- 4.Partition List
- 5.Add Two Number
- 6.Detect Cycle
- 7.isPalindrome
- 1.Array with 3 Stacks picture come from stackoverflow
- 2.Min Stack
- 3.Clustered Stacks
- 4.Tower of Hanoi
- 5.Queue Using Stack
- 6.Sort Stack
- 1.Distribute Data
- 2.Social Network Graph
- 3.Missing Number
- 4.Find Duplicate
- 5.Web Crawler
- 6.Find Duplicate URLs
- 7.Do query