Test assignment for interactivestandard
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install torch torchvision numpy Pillow transformers tqdm pathlib annoy scipy click marshmallow-dataclass pandas scikit-learn
!!! Before usage, check the configs, especially device
python3 src/download_dataset.py configs/downloading_params.yaml //download dataset, another option is to put unzipped test-task to data/raw/ (in case you don't have wget in your os)
python3 src/clean_dataset.py configs/cleaning_params.yaml //dataset cleansing
python3 src/predict_pipeline.py configs/inference_params.yaml //inference by itself
{"homogenity_score": 0.9671600270041537, "completeness_score": 0.9214733343408211, "v_measure_score": 0.9437640922428762}
├── configs <- .yaml files for configuration
├── README.md <- The top-level README for developers using this project.
├── data
│ ├── processed <- The final, canonical data sets for modeling.
│ └── raw <- The original, immutable data dump.
├── logs <- Logs
├── models <- Trained and serialized models, model predictions, or model summaries
├── notebooks <- Jupyter notebook to get the idea
├── results <- Clusterized images
├── requirements.txt <- The requirements file for reproducing the analysis environment, e.g. generated with `pip freeze > requirements.txt`
├── src <- Source code for use in this project.
│ ├── __init__.py <- Makes src a Python module
│ │
│ ├── entities <- dataclasses for configs
│ │
│ ├── features <- code to turn raw data into features for modeling
│ │
│ ├── utils <- utils for saving and measuring of quality
│ │
│ ├── download_dataset.py <- python script for downloading from yandex cloud
│ │
│ ├── clean_dataset.py <- python script for cleaning data
│ │
│ ├── predict_pipeline.py <- main pipeline for prediction