Squerall-GUI is the user interface of Squerall, which is a solution for querying Data Lakes in a unified manner. Squerall-GUI produces three input files used by Squerall. Squerall-GUI is a Scala Play Web application run using SBT.
To build and run the Squerall-GUI, simply run:
sbt compile
sbt run
(or directly sbt run
Then open your browser and navigate to localhost:9000/Squerall
Squerall-GUI consits of three interfaces:
- 1. Source injestion: add a source by setting values to a set of prelisted options, mostly used by Spark.
- 2. Source mapping: map data entities and attributes to Ontology classes and predicates.
- 3. Query: query the data using Ontology terms frop the mappings built by 2.
Each of the previous interfaces outputs a file that is used by Squerall:
- Data source access configurations are saved in:
- Mappings are saved in:
- Query is saved in
You can change the path to these files in cong/application.conf
For more information, refer to the paper here: "Teach me to fish" Querying Semantic Data Lakes
Screencasts of Squerall GUIs: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/10mkwMrbuxv71gtwE2etDzqANt8S9YXhr
A Dockerfile is available. Navigate to where the Dockerfile is located and then run:
sudo docker build -t squerall-gui . # wait till finished
sudo docker run -p 9000:9000 -it --rm squerall-gui
Once done, open your browser at localhost:9000/squerall
To see the generated config files, you need to 'log in' to the container by opening a bash inside it. To do so, run sudo docker ps
and note the container name/id running the squerall-gui image. Then run:
sudo docker exec -it [container_ID/name] bash
Once in the bash, navigate to cd /usr/local/squerall/conf
, there you find config
and mappings.ttl
For more enquireis, contact me on: [email protected], or ask directly on Gitter chat.
This project is openly shared under the terms of the Apache License v2.0 (read for more).